Grades 1-12
Project Date:
December 12th, 2024
Topic Format:
Multiple choice
School paper exams at test centers nationwide/Online Web Exam
Program Description
AMERICAN LANGUAGE LEAGUE (ALL) was founded in 1980 by Quartararo and Henry Hull. Combining the U.S. English education system and years of educational experience, they joined forces with a number of English teachers with rich teaching experience to launch the NATIONAL LANGUAGE ARTS LEAGUE (NLAL). This Challenge is designed to test and improve the grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension skills of students in grades 2-12 in the U.S. It is widely recognized as an effective tool for improving language skills, stimulating creativity, and developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
In 2024, ASEEDER and the NLAL organizing committee entered into a partnership to bring this English literacy challenge for Native American students to China for the first time, providing Chinese students with the opportunity to participate in a Native American English challenge, improve their English language skills, and align with U.S. curriculum standards.
English Language Literacy Challenge for Native American Students.
An English literacy challenge covering the entire K12 age group compared to the U.S. English education system.
A comprehensive examination of English literacy skills and creative thinking skills.
Each level is limited to 40 minutes and can be quickly assessed in the classroom.
Why ALL?
● Diversified dimensions to comprehensively assess students' primary language literacy:
examining different dimensions of English proficiency such as word spelling, reading comprehension, English poetry, rhetorical devices, and general knowledge of English.
● Compare the U.S. language education system to help students
make a smooth transition to Native American testing:
The questions assessed in the activities are similar to those in MAP English Reading and Language Use and AP English Literature and Composition, which help students transition smoothly to the Native American English test.
● Cultivate English proficiency that is emphasized by top U.S. liberal arts colleges and Ivy League colleges:
by analyzing complex texts, students can develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
● Exposure to diverse literature to broaden international horizons:
students are exposed to various types of literature during the program, including English poetry and informational literature, which helps students broaden their horizons and deepen their understanding of different cultures.
● Comparison of U.S. K-12 Language Literacy Reading Text Type Standards and ALL Reading Text Content |
U.S. K-12 Language Literacy Standards Range of Text Types | ALL covers textual content |
Literary texts: stories, plays, poems Informational texts: expository, argumentative, etc. |
Literature: poetry Informational texts: explanatory texts, narratives |
* Both literary and informational texts are covered by NLAL, a rare English challenge activity that assesses reading comprehension of poetry and literature.
American Language Literacy System
● Comparison of U.S. K-12 Language Literacy Standards and ALL Activity Content
U.S. English Language Literacy Core Standards | ALL exam question type | ALL Reference Example |
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on appropriate grade level reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. | Vocabularies | Since our dad works at night, we try to be very [considerate] when he tries to sleep during the day. A.unruly B.quiet C.thoughtful D.careless |
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. | Punctuation, capitalization and grammar | A. The crazy weather made it feel more like Winter than Spring. B.The crazy Weather made it feel more like winter than sping. C.The crazy Weather made it feel more like Winter than Spring. D. The crazy weather made it feel more like winter than spring. |
Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. | Word relationships | Passenger is to bus as _______________. A. tire is to car B. cargo is to freighter C.pilot is to plane D. caboose is to train |
Determine the theme of a story, drama, or poem based on details in the text, summarize text content. Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses. | Poetry Reading Comprehension | In Stanza one the person in the poem is probably _______________. A. in school B.going home C.coming into the hospital D.leaving the hospital |
*These are only some of Common Core State Standards and the content of the ALL activities, and the reference examples are selected from a variety of grade-level topics.
Program Information
Program Rules
Time: December 12, 2024
- Offline: 14:00-19:40 (any 40 minutes)
- Online: 19:00-19:40 (40 minutes)
Question Type: All questions are multiple-choice
- Grades 1-2 (25 questions)
- Grades 3-4 (35 questions)
- Grades 5-6 (50 questions)
- Grades 7-9 (50 questions)
- Grades 10-12 (50 questions)
China Individual Awards (each grade level is ranked separately)
- Gold Medal: Top 15%
- Silver Medal: Top 30%
- Bronze Medal: Top 45%
- Excellence Awards: top 25% outside of gold,silver and bronze medals
Participation Information
Fee: Including examination fee, test fee, assessment fee, certificate fee, etc.
Application Deadline: November 28th, 2024
Registration Method:
- School group registration
- Scan the QR code to register
Contact Us
Ms He 4001-699-686to1
North China:
Beijing、Tianjin、Shanxi、Shandong、Hebei、Henan、Inner Mongolia、Heilongjiang、Jilin、Liaoning
Ms Tan 4001-699-686 to 1
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