66rd London International Youth Science Forum

Time:23rd July-6th Aug 2025 (15 days)    Site:London

Science Technology Forum for Students from More Than 70 Countries

Participation of 10+ Nobel Laureates and Leading Scientists

World-class Research Institutions & Oxbridge Laboratory Visits to top UK university departments including London

 Oxford and Cambridge and visits to national research facilities Immersive social and cultural interaction

LIYSF Introduction

“LIYSF aims to give a deeper insight into science and its applications for the benefit of all humankind and to develop a greater understanding between young people of all nations.”

The London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF) is a not-for-profit social enterprise with a rich history of empowering young science students all over the world through enrichment programs.

Established in 1959 when it was the aftermath of the Second World War, the organization was founded in Europe aiming to overcome the animosity of the war, and to bring young people from different nations together to deepen their mutual understanding of varied cultures through a common passion in science.

Held annually in London, LIYSF attracts hundreds of the world’s leading young scientists aged 16-21 years old from more than 70 participating countries, sharing a common interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

LIYSF official website: https://www.liysf.org.uk

As appointed national organizer, ASDAN China has been dedicated to coordinating LIYSF applications from students in China and organizing LIYSF China initiatives.


LIYSF Official Partners

Introduction of LIYSF Academic Presidents

LIYSF LIYSF Royal Patron


Her Royal Highness is involved with more than 300 charities, organizations and military regiments in the UK and worldwide, many of which focus on improving health and transportation in developing countries as well as the education and well-being of children.

LIYSF LIYSF Academic President(2018 to present)


Professor Clare Elwell is the Academic President of LIYSF. She is a professor of Medical Physics in the dept. of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering at University College London (UCL) and is also a former participant at LIYSF. In 2016, she won the WISE Award.

LIYSF LIYSF Academic President(2018 to present)


Professor Clare Elwell is the Academic President of LIYSF. She is a professor of Medical Physics in the dept. of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering at University College London (UCL) and is also a former participant at LIYSF. In 2016, she won the WISE Award.

LIYSF Academic presidents of LIYSF

1959 – 1962 The Rt Hon Lord Nathan
1963 – 1967 Sir John Cockcroft (Nobel Laureate in Physics 1951, Former Master of Churchill College, Cambridge)
1968 – 1969 Sir Lawrence Bragg (Nobel Laureates in Physics 1915)
1970 – 1971 Dame Kathleen Lonsdale (world-renowned scientists in crystallography)
1972 – 1974 Professor Sir Joseph Rotblat (Nobel Laureates in Peace 1995)
1975 – 1979 Professor Sir Hermann Bondi (mathematician and cosmologist)
1980 – 1982 The Rt Hon Lord Ritchie Calder (Chairman of the British Peace Council)
1983 – 1986 The Rt Hon Lord Briggs (Lord Chancellor of Supreme Court of the United Kingdom)
1987 – 1989 The Rt Hon Lord Porter (president of LGA)
1990 – 1993 Sir John Meurig Thomas (winner of Queen’s Medal)
1994 – 2004 Professor Brian FG Johnson (former professor of Cambridge and University of Edinburgh)
2005 – 2017 Professor Richard O’Kennedy (vice president of Hamed Bin Khalifa University, former professor of DCU)

※Nobel Laureates are in bold fonts



Established in 1959 and founded by the late Arthur McTaggart-Short and Philip S Green MBE, 62nd LIYSF is upcoming.

Participants from 70+ countries selected by education administrations or regional well-known institutions.



Official support by top universities like ICU, lectures and workshops from Nobel prize laureates , CAS academicians and other leading scientists.

Your scientific journey will include lectures and workshops, visiting famous scientific and research institutions and exhibitions.



Students will receive a systematical training based on the high-standard EPQ to map out their distinctive research topics and areas of interests, then finish scientific reports. Those who continue and complete their project after LIYSF will have the chance to be awarded EPQ certifcate, grade and 28 UCAS tariff points.

Research Bazaar is a stage for students to show their innovative thoughts and scientific reports. Expert judges will pick out excellent representatives and give prizes to them.



Socializing is an indispensable part of LIYSF, and that is why we insist on LIYSF China. All the youth talents will get together to explore their favorite scientific subjects, discuss how sciences can address social issues, as well as bond through talent show, chemistry show and other social activities.

Participants will receive the certificate of completion from LIYSF official and the ASDAN Research Award, outstanding students in the scientific exhibition will be awarded the certificate of excellent presentation.


LIYSF Scientific Journey

Lectures from World Leading Scientists
Sharing from world leading scientists of their exploration journeys and cutting-edge discoveries to locate your scientific directions and set off your science excursion.

Themed Scientific Workshop
In-depth discussions with specialists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences about subdivision subjects (covering physics, chemistry, biology, engineering and medical science etc.) in a small group. Master researching methods and map out your own R&D plan.

Scientific Research Journey
To facilitate the high-quality students' achievements, LIYSF China cooperates with ASDAN EPQ to apply the highest standards authorized by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) in UK for coaching the participants. Opportunities are accessible for all the students, as they will study the methodology, define the topic based on their own thoughts emerged during scientific workshops, then carry out a research project. Outstanding projects will have the chance to be supervised by EPQ tutors from UK, further they will be assessed by EPQ. Qualifiers will get certificates to support their future college applications.

Exhibition of Personal Scientific Achievements
Participants will show their findings in front of specialists and peers for feedback.

Social Interaction for Science Lovers
Socializing is an essential part of LIYSF, social and culture activities are open for all participants. You will join the global network of LIYSF and build solid friendships with others.

2022 LIYSF Principal Lectures

*The following scientists will give live speeches at ICL, LIYSF London. Representatives from China will be connected to the UK and participate in the scientists' forum via live broadcast. Virtual attendees will be able to ask questions as well as the participants in London. LIYSF China will have an opportunity to ask approximately  20% questions.

Professor James Rothman

Theme: Cell Biology
Professor James Rothman is the Sterling Professor of Cell Biology at Yale University, USA. He is one of the world’s most distinguished biochemists and cell biologists and received the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. He is Chair of the Yale School of Medicine’s Department of Cell Biology and Director and founder of the Yale Nanobiology Institute.

Professor Ijeoma Uchegbu

Professor Uchegbu is a Professor of Pharmaceutical Nanoscience at University College London (UCL). She is also UCL’s Pro-Vice Provost for Africa and The Middle East, the Provosts’ Envoy for Race Equality and Chief Scientific Officer of Nanomerics Ltd, specialising in drug delivery solutions for poorly water-soluble drugs, peptides and nucleic acids.

Professor Ian Chapman

Professor Ian Chapman is a world leader in fusion energy. He is the current CEO of the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) and is also a former participant at LIYSF.

Professor Tolullah Oni

Professor Tolullah Oni is an urban epidemiologist at the Medical Research Council Epidemiology Unit and a Public Health Physician Scientist at the University of Cambridge, UK. She is also a Clinical Senior Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge Global Public Health Research programme. Moreover, she is an Associate Professor at the University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa.

Dr. Ollie Folayan

Dr. Ollie Folayan is a chartered chemical engineer working in the energy industry and co-founder of the Association for Black Engineers (AFBE -UK). He is an experienced process engineer and combustion specialist with experience in the oil and energy industry.

Professor Clare Elwell

Professor Clare Elwell is the Academic President of LIYSF. She is Vice-Dean for Impact and Professor of Medical Physics in the Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering at University College London (UCL) and is also a former participant at LIYSF.

Professor Richard O’Kennedy

Professor Richard O’Kennedy is the Science Patron of LIYSF and Vice President for Research, Development, and Innovation at the Qatar Foundation. Richard is a former LIYSF President (2005-2017) and attended LIYSF in 1972 representing Ireland.

Dr Jason Nurse

We are delighted to advise that Dr Jason Nurse will lead the student debate at LIYSF. Dr Jason R C Nurse is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in the School of Computing at the University of Kent. He is also a visiting academic at the University of Oxford, visiting Fellow in Defence and Security at Cranfield Uiniversity, a professional member of the British Computer Society, a research member of Wolfson College Oxford and a member of the Security Awareness Special Interest Group (SASIG).

Professor Mark McCaughrean

Professor McCaughrean works as the Senior Scientific Advisor in the Directorate of Science & Robotic Exploration, the home for all of European Space Agency’s space science, astronomy and solar system missions. He is an infrared astrophysicist and his research focuses on the formation and evolution of stars and their planetary systems using observational studies from state-of-the-art ground and space-based telescopes.

2021 LIYSF Specialist Workshops

  • There are around 30 students in each class, providing students opportunities to communicate with frontline scientific researchers and representatives with the same interest. LIYSF offers a variety of subjects and each course will last 10-12 class hours. Each participant can choose 2 projects.
  • The specialist workshops in LIYSF China will be taught by the leading scientists from Chinese Academy of Sciences and national key laboratories at top universities. Chinese students will attend workshops at top universities.

2021 LIYSF Specialist Workshops Themes (Tentative)

The Deep Sea Safari
Academic Support:The State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University
Major Involved:Engineering, Biology and Physics
    The Laboratory of Ocean Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University has successfully developed the unmanned Bathyscaphs 'The Sea Dragon' and 'The Sea Horse', 'The Walrus' - a heavy seabed ditching machine with workload of 90 tons, and 'The Eel' which can carry out the sunken ships transportation, deep-sea drilling and sampling and special pipeline installation under water. Why we need such a 'Deep sea safari'?  What challenges do you face and what difficulties do you need to overcome? Explore it with the experts from the State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering!
Academic Support:Center for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science, CAS
Major Involved:Medical science and biology
Why do we age? Can anyone be rejuvenated? Is there a clock in our cells that we can dial back or slow down? Is the tumor inevitable? In an age of aging, these fundamental questions are the focus of cell science. The experts from the Center for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science, CAS will guide you into the world of cell science.
The World of Microbes
Academic Support:Institute Pasteur of Shanghai, CAS
Major Involved:Biology
Microbes are everywhere. How do we categorize them and what do they look like? Which of them are enemies and which are friends to us, under what circumstances? That's the question people have been asking ever since the French scientist Pasteur proved the existence of microbes. Experts from the Institute Pasteur of Shanghai, CAS will show you the world of microorganism and paths for tracing the origin of coronavirus.
The Law of the Microcosm
Academic Support:Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, CAS
Major Involved:Physics, Engineering and Material Science
Can individual photons be measured? What magical technological transformations will happen at the nanoscale? What exactly is 'graphene'? What have all of these to do with chip - the pearl on the modern science and technology crown. Some standard rules cannot apply when the system becomes extremely small. Experts from Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, CAS, will take you into the microworld.
The Magic of Lactic Acid Bacteria
Academic Support:The State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering of East China University of Science and Technology
Major Involved:Biology and Chemistry
      A small lactic acid bacteria is a miniature reactor in which complex biochemical reactions can take place. When you feed it with milk, it produces yogurt for you. What if you put them together? Many bacteria, like lactic acid bacteria, live in the human gut. We flatulate because of them, and thanks to them, we can absorb nutrients as well. What if you create an intestinal tract? What do we get by having microbes work for us? We can find the answers through bioreactors.
Brain's Secrets
Academic Support:The State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan University
Major Involved: Biology and Medical Science
    How does our brain work? How to define 'consciousness' ? Is the 'thinking' of fruit flies and the 'thinking' of mice follow the same pattern at the neural level? Is it true that fish have only seven seconds of memory?
The Clone Corps
Academic Support:The State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering, Fudan University
Major Involved:Biology
    With the advances in technology, people who have lost a pet can now clone a new one from the animal's tissue. But some owners found that the cloned individual was different from the original one. Why was that? Can the clone army from science fiction and games become a reality one day? Is there any possibility of a radical cure for our genetic diseases? Experts from the State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering of Fudan University will share some interesting stories during the exploration in genetic engineering of human beings.
※Subject may change according to the actual situation
The Deep Sea Safari

Academic Support:The State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Major Involved:Engineering, Biology and Physics



The Laboratory of Ocean Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University has successfully developed the unmanned Bathyscaphs 'The Sea Dragon' and 'The Sea Horse', 'The Walrus' - a heavy seabed ditching machine with workload of 90 tons, and 'The Eel' which can carry out the sunken ships transportation, deep-sea drilling and sampling and special pipeline installation under water. Why we need such a 'Deep sea safari'?  What challenges do you face and what difficulties do you need to overcome? Explore it with the experts from the State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering!


Academic Support:Center for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science, CAS

Major Involved:Medical science and biology

Why do we age? Can anyone be rejuvenated? Is there a clock in our cells that we can dial back or slow down? Is the tumor inevitable? In an age of aging, these fundamental questions are the focus of cell science. The experts from the Center for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science, CAS will guide you into the world of cell science.

The World of Microbes

Academic Support:Institute Pasteur of Shanghai, CAS

Major Involved:Biology

Microbes are everywhere. How do we categorize them and what do they look like? Which of them are enemies and which are friends to us, under what circumstances? That's the question people have been asking ever since the French scientist Pasteur proved the existence of microbes. Experts from the Institute Pasteur of Shanghai, CAS will show you the world of microorganism and paths for tracing the origin of coronavirus.

The Law of the Microcosm

Academic Support:Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, CAS

Major Involved:Physics, Engineering and Material Science

Can individual photons be measured? What magical technological transformations will happen at the nanoscale? What exactly is 'graphene'? What have all of these to do with chip - the pearl on the modern science and technology crown. Some standard rules cannot apply when the system becomes extremely small. Experts from Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, CAS, will take you into the microworld.

The Magic of Lactic Acid Bacteria

Academic Support:The State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering of East China University of Science and Technology

Major Involved:Biology and Chemistry




A small lactic acid bacteria is a miniature reactor in which complex biochemical reactions can take place. When you feed it with milk, it produces yogurt for you. What if you put them together? Many bacteria, like lactic acid bacteria, live in the human gut. We flatulate because of them, and thanks to them, we can absorb nutrients as well. What if you create an intestinal tract? What do we get by having microbes work for us? We can find the answers through bioreactors.

Brain's Secrets

Academic Support:The State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan University

Major Involved: Biology and Medical Science



How does our brain work? How to define 'consciousness' ? Is the 'thinking' of fruit flies and the 'thinking' of mice follow the same pattern at the neural level? Is it true that fish have only seven seconds of memory?

The Clone Corps

Academic Support:The State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering, Fudan University

Major Involved:Biology



With the advances in technology, people who have lost a pet can now clone a new one from the animal's tissue. But some owners found that the cloned individual was different from the original one. Why was that? Can the clone army from science fiction and games become a reality one day? Is there any possibility of a radical cure for our genetic diseases? Experts from the State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering of Fudan University will share some interesting stories during the exploration in genetic engineering of human beings.

※Subject may change according to the actual situation

中科院 上海分院单位:微系统所
单个的光子也能被测量吗?纳米级的物质会有什么神奇的技术转变?被热炒的“石墨烯”到底是个什么东西?又有什么神奇的魔力? 这一切,又与现代科技皇冠上的明珠—芯片,有什么样的关系?当世界变得极其微小的时候,我们熟悉的一些规律就不再适用了。微系统所的老师,带你走进微观世界。
中科院 上海分院单位:硅酸盐所
中科院 上海分院单位:光学精密机械所
中科院 上海分院单位:应用物理所
中科院 上海分院单位:有机化学所
中科院 上海分院单位:营养与健康所
中科院 上海分院单位:细胞科学卓越创新中心
中科院 上海分院单位:脑科学与智能
从脑和神经的角度来说,有哪些学习和记忆的秘诀可以适用大部分人? 人类和我们灵长类亲戚的“思维“方式有什么共通之处和不同点?人们常说“相当于几岁小孩的智力”真的有道理吗?而人到了老人,又为什么会变成“老小孩”呢?神经病和精神病,是一回事吗?神经科学国家重点实验室的老师,让你用大脑的思维,重新审视你思维的大脑。
中科院 上海分院单位:植物生理生态研究所
中科院 上海分院单位:药物所
中科院 上海分院单位:天文台
中科院 上海分院单位:巴斯德所
中科院 上海分院单位:辰山植物园
中科院 上海分院单位:上海光源
教育部重点实验室:医学分子病毒学 复旦大学
教育部重点实验室:海洋地质 同济大学、彩虹鱼
人类基因组计划已经开展20年,取得了巨大的成就。目前,对人类的基因都了解了吗?现在的人类基因组研究方向主要是什么?中国科学家起了什么作用?通过人的基因组,可以做些什么?基因公司和基因检测产品 这么多,有哪些靠谱,哪些不靠谱?为什么?
上海环境科学院 生物 环境
复旦大学 科学 哲学 逻辑学 哲学 数学
上海政法 科学 伦理 社会
上海自然博物馆 生物
复旦大学 卢宝荣老师

2025 LIYSF Research Journey


In LIYSF, each participant will have the access to the cutting-edge scientific theories, discuss with researchers in a certain field, visit different research institutions, and meet with peers to exchange ideas. We hope that every participant can translate what he/she has learned into academic output and finally distill it into scientific achievements. LIYSF has established a strategic partnership with ASDAN China, using the academic standards of EPQ – the highest research learning standards in the UK to help students complete the LIYSF research journey.

*ASDAN is one of the six qualified examination bureaus approved by Ofqual to carry out EPQ certification worldwide

The Coaching for Scientific Journey
Students in the LIYSF scientific research journey will be guided by excellent Chinese researchers. They will choose their interest field and find their science tutors, then receive one-to-one guidance for topic selection and experimental guidance, etc. Finally, Great achievements will be produced by their researches.

Scientific Research Exhibition
After nearly two weeks of theory learning, it's time to demonstrate your personal research! Students will confidently express their scientific assumptions to the tutors and judges in front of their display booth. Outstanding students will be invited to attend the "Youth Speech" in the closing ceremony, bringing their project to a further level.

Topic Selection

Academic Investigation

Experiment design

Hypothesis Testing

Achievement Presentation

2021 LIYSF Research Bazaar & Youth Presentation

2021 LIYSF  Research Bazaar & Youth Presentation

Looking For the Next Generation of Scientist

The Research Bazaar is an important tradition of LIYSF, aiming at inspiring the next generation of scientists, offering more opportunities for participants to present their research ideas and discoveries, and have in-depth exchanges with front-line researchers as well as other participants. Therefore, the annual research bazaar is particularly popular among participants. In order to further improve the quality of their output and offer a real research experience, LIYSF China integrates EPQ's research learning certification standards. The outstanding students in the Research Bazaar will be eligible for further EPQ certification.

Many expert judges will be invited to the Research Bazaar for evaluation and guidance, and excellent works will be selected for display and awards in in the youth presentation.

2024 LIYSF Social Events

Social and culture event is an important part of LIYSF. It is hoped that students can build up solid friendships based on common interest in science during their 13-day in-depth interaction so that a variety of social activities are organized every year. We believe that different cities and schools shall not be the barrier for their future interaction as LIYSF may become the starting point for students to study in the same university even the same major, engage in the same scientific activities or exchange ideas about a research project. Just as  LIYSF stated: Out of Like Interests the Strongest Friendships Grow.

Scientific Visits

We will arrange a series of visits to research institutions for students to experience the real life of scientists. Students can choose which institution to visit according to their own interests and research direction.

Chemical Show

The colorful, interesting and hands-on chemistry show will lead students into the wonderful world of chemistry.

Talent Show

Science and art are complementary, and we offer participants a stage to show their skills beyond science.

Student Party

'Work hard, play harder', the student party will bring LIYSF China into its climax.

2025 LIYSF China Schedule

What do you get from LIYSF 2022?

LIYSF LIYSF Certificate of Completion

ASDAN Research Award

UCAS ASDAN Research Award
Equivalent to a 30-hour research study certified by EPQ official

LIYSFLIYSF Scientific Reports Excellent reports will be rewarded and included to LIYSF China Science Journal

LIYSF Participating Countries

Albania Czech Repulic Indonisia Malta Russia Tanzania
Argentina Denmark Iran Mexico Rwanda Thiland
Austrilia Egypt Irland Holland Malaysia Tunisia
Austria UK Isreal NewZealand Singapore Turkey
Belgium Estonia Italy Nigeria Slovakia UAE
Brazil France Jamaica Norway South Africa Ukraine
Canada Georgia Japan Oman Korea USA
Chile Germany Jordan Pakistan Spain Vietnam
China Guernsey Kenya Philippines Sri Lanka Zimbabwe
Columbia Rumania Lithuania Poland Sweden Cyprus
Croatia Hungary Luxembourg Qatar Switzerland India

LIYSF Alumni

LIYSF has a vast global network with all the people here holding the same belief that science will connect us together and change the world.

Previous LIYSF Participants Testimonials

Words fail me as I try to begin describing my experiences at LIYSF. In short, it was magical; a microcosm of the future as envisioned by pioneering scientists. Yet, it was so much more. The well-chosen lectures and ensuing discussions created a wonderfully thought-provoking atmosphere that dramatically impacted how I think about several important issues. The visits to research institutes bestowed unique opportunities to gain new insights into the frontiers or science. Lastly, the people I met inspired me like none had before and became a part of me that I will cherish forever.

Kevin Lee

This forum provides us with abundant and cutting edge topics which taught by professionals in corresponding fields. They not only introduced the current status but also the direction of the science. Besides, their logic also benefited me a lot. The forum rebuilt my attitude and ideas about science, and also opened a door for me to enter the world of science.

Wenzhong Hu

The Affiliated High School of Peking University
I learned quite a lot in LIYSF and noticed the area I could improve. After attending many lectures and sharing from leading scientists, I found my own direction of future study, and learned how to communicate with others. These help me make some detailed plans for my 2nd year high school life.

Xiaochuan Zhu

Shanghai Guanghua College (PUDONG)
In 2013, we sent a student and she has now progressed on to Somerville College at Oxford University to study Physics. We certainly feel that her experience at LIYSF played a big part in her successful application.

Nigel Pattinson

President of Ullswater Community College, UK
In LIYSF, we participated in public lectures given by distinguished professors and researchers. I have learned applications, future challenges and implications of different science in our life. This event also provided very valuable knowledge and the opportunity to improve my communication skills. I made friends from different countries who are interested in science as well.

Junnan Yu

The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China
What LIYSF brought me was the academic knowledge, where I got the access to many scientific fields , some of which I have never heard before. It helped me specify my future study plans. Moreover, I got the chance to know cultures, lifestyles and educational systems in many countries. Meeting so many people from different fields, listening to the wonderful lectures and communicating with peers who are passionate for sciences are impossible if only staying at school.

Ming Zhang

Huafu international
I had an interview for a PhD placement and all they wanted to ask about from my CV was my experience at LIYSF. They called me back later on and told me I had the placement!.

Sorcha Ní Mhairtín

I realised the real aim of LIYSF is to share visions and ideas and gain a better understanding of how science can benefit us all. The Lectures were highly captivating with such animated presentations. I found the discussion sessions most enjoyable as we were given a chance to indvidually express our views, analyse situations and consider others' points of views. One major change that LIYSF made in my life is my career choice. All my life I ‘thought’ I wanted to do Medicine, but for the first time I was exposed to so many opportunities and choices in the field of science.

Fatima Surriya Haq

South Africa
The most valuable point of LIYSF is to gather people from different countries who have common interest in science together. Such communication brings me many international friends who have the same passion for science as I do.

Chihui Shao

Shanghai Pinghe Bilingual School
What I learned in LIYSF is the ability to attend high-level academic activities. I do not panic when giving presentations in front of my teachers and classmates, but this may not be the case for foreigners, especially the experts. Accent and terminology made it difficult for me to communicate. LIYSF provide such a rare opportunity to improve myself though the ability I acquired at school is enough for me to handle events.

Haoyang Zou

Shanghai World Foreign Language Academy
Half a month is not a short time, but it’s enough to meet friends from around the world, visit the places of interest in London, know many novel scientific fields, and have a face-to-face communication with leading scientists, which I dare not even dream of. But it is not a long time either since I still have no time to be bored with fish and chips, to hang out with friends at Hyde park, to fill my notebook with knowledge, it is time to say goodbye. LIYSF did not only widen my horizon in academic, but also in social events. Richard Myhill told us that he cannot summarize what we will experience here, but it is not important, as we will understand what LIYSF means for us after two weeks. I really appreciate my school for offering me the opportunity to attend such a forum, which enlightened the most beautiful time in my life.

Huixian Yang

Nanjing Foreign Language School



Chinese and English (no translation)


Mar. 31st :Registration

May:Volunteer Recruitment

June:Select Specialist Workshops

July:Academic Materials Distribution

23rd July - 6th Aug:LIYSF 2025