BTDA Speech and Drama Online Certification

Online Certification for Candidates aged 8-18 by BTDA

5 Certification Levels to Cultivate Candidates' Interest in Drama & Speech

Language Expression, Body Movements, Sensibility and Appreciation in Art

BTDA Official Certificate, Academic Report and Trophy

Invitation Letter

Ann Oliver MBE
BTDA President and Founder
Outstanding Female of Europe
Member of the British Empire

Hello and Welcome from the British Theatre Dance Association (BTDA)!

BTDA is pleased to be able to offer its Speech and Drama programmes to Chinese students for online assessment for the first time.

This is a great opportunity for all concerned and a significant step forwards, helping to bring the world together. You will be one of the first to pioneer this new chapter in our journey and we look forward to welcoming you on board. I am sure you will enjoy working towards your examination, we in turn are working hard to ensure that your online examination experience is a good one. All our examiners are very experienced and will adopt a friendly but professional approach.

Good luck with your studies and above all enjoy yourself, learning is fun and performing builds confidence and self-esteem.

Kind Regards,

Ann Oliver MBE

About BTDA

The British Theatre Dance Association

The British Theatre Dance Association is a member of the Council for Dance, Drama and Musical Theatre (CDMT) and one of the world's most influential institutions for English Speech and Drama. It was established in 1972 by its President Ann Oliver MBE as a Midlands based Association which has subsequently spread throughout the United Kingdom and overseas. BTDA Area Organisers service the majority of the areas within the UK, conducted and issued more than 70,000 accreditation exams and certificates in the UK, New Zealand, Qatar, Dubai, Malta, Turkey, Iceland and other European countries. BTDA offer a portfolio of examinations and qualifications in a variety of disciplines, for students of all ages and abilities.

Speech and Drama Examination Introduction

Speech and Drama Examination is an international certification system (English & Special Ability) provided by the British Theatre Dance Association (BTDA) to the world. It combines English learning and skills based learning by means of speech, performance, drama and expression. BTDA is available to all learners and lovers of English speech and drama, offering a series of certification exams and awards to recognize individual achievements. BTDA promotes its Online Certification in China.
There are five levels for students aged 8-18. The Crystal Awards are offered at levels C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5. Each level has different learning objectives and assessment criteria, and their learning outcomes will be significantly different. With the increase of the level, the requirements and difficulty for candidates will be gradually intensified .

Module Crystal Award


C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
Recommended Age 8-10 10-13 13-15 15-18
Time Limit 10 mins 15 mins
Contents Tongue Twister, Poem Recital, Reading, Dramatised Conversation

2024 BTDA Examination Schedule

Note: Refunds and session transfers are not supported 10 days before the registration deadline.
Date Time Deadline Registration Status
2024 Autumn


Sep. 28, Sat From 2:00 pm Aug. 26th Closed
Oct. 26, Sat From 2:00 pm Sep. 24th Closed
Nov. 30, Sat From 2:00 pm Oct. 28th open
Dec. 28, Sat From 2:00 pm Nov. 26th open
Jan. 25, Sat, 2025 From 2:00 pm Dec. 23rd, 2024 open
Feb. 22, Sat, 2025 From 2:00 pm Jan. 20th, 2025 open

Why BTDA Speech and Drama Certification

Exam Syllabus

There are five levels of award: C1, C2, C3, C4, C5

Certificates and Awards

Candidates who passed the examinations succeessfully will receive a certicate and trophy from The British Theatre Dance Association. There are two certicates: one is the authoritative certicate, the other is the professional examination report.

Authoritative certificate

Authoritative certificate will show the grades, there are five grades for each level:


Candidate can simply express limited content, and showing stage fright


Candidate can express most of the content with a little stage fright

Highly Commended

Candidate is able to express all the content of the test without stage fright


Candidate is able to express all the content passionately, enjoyably, clearly, and answer the questions well


Candidate can use the proper language and tone in different situations and talk fluently with the examiner, cover the new topic with confidence and excellent adaptability

Professional examination report

Crystal Award

Depending on the levels of the exam, The British Theatre Dance Association will hand out different awards:


  • Small Crystal Shield


  • Medium Crystal Shield

C5 :

  • Large Crystal Shield

*The certificates, professional examination report and trophy will be sent from the UK to China within 6 weeks from the end of the examination, and then ASDAN China will send them to the address reserved for each candidate


Candidates who successfully achieve 3 different levels of examinations within one year period are eligible for a Gold Triple Award.

Exam Instructions

【Certification Explanation】

  • Test Language: English
  • Examination Tool: Zoom Cloud Video (examinee should prepare computer, laptop or Ipad with microphone and camera)
  • Site Requirements: clean space larger than 2 square meters
  • Dress Code: neat clothes, the hair should be tidy and clean without covering the face
  • Standing Position: Please stand one meter away to make sure the examiner can see your whole body

【Examination Process】

  • Log into zoom meeting waiting room 10 minutes ahead of examination time and wait for your turn to enter the meeting.
  • The examiner will verify name, certification grade and ID card of the candidates.
  • Follow examiners instructions for each session.
  • Examinee should say “thank you” after each session of performance.
  • Examinee should say “thank you” and bow to give regards before exiting the room.

【Exam Fee】

  • Include registration, certificate, report, medal and express mailing. No refund or session transfer from 10 days before the registration closing day.

Regional Academic Specialists

Ms Zhang 13269709296

North China

Beijing、Tianjin、Shanxi、Shandong、Hebei、Henan、Inner Mongolia、Heilongjiang、Jilin、Liaoning

Ms Wang 15618633087

East China

East China:Zhejiang

Ms Zhou 13061978106

East China

East China:Shanghai、Jiangsu

Ms Yu

South China

Guangdong、Guangxi、Fujian、Hainan、Hong Kong、Macao、Taiwan

Ms Li

West China


Ms Pan 13086629260

Central China



1. What preparations are needed before the exam?
Understand the exam process, rules and content. Download ZOOM app before the exam and take the exam on time.
2. Where to take the online exam and what are the requirements for the exam venue?
A clean and bright space of 2-2.5 square meters is suitable so that the examiner can watch examinees' gestures or face expressions clearly. Ensure that there are not too many unnecessary items in the space to interfere or distract the examiner.
3. How long does an exam take? Is the exam time the same for each level?
The time of exams are different for each level. 10 mins for C1-C4 and 15mins for C5.
4. Can I register for an exam lower or higher than my own age level?
Yes. The age is for reference only. Students can register at any level according to their own qualities.
5. Can I jump grades when applying for the exam?
Yes. For example, if a student wishes to continue to challenge himself at a higher level after taking the C1 level, he/she may continue to register at any level from C1-C5.
6. How long will it take to know my exam results and receive my cups and certificates after the exam?
The certifcates, trophies, and exam reports will be sent to ASDAN China after 6 weeks of the exam and then be sent out to the home address of students.
7. Is it mandatory to use the materials in the exam preparation guide? Can I choose other suitable English materials to use?
It is not mandatory to use the reference materials in the test preparation guide. Students are encouraged to choose English reading materials from their own books.
8. For younger candidates, can parents be allowed to assist in setting up electronic devices?
Parents are allowed to enter the exam room during the examination period to help students operate electric equipment (computer/mobile/iPad), supervise the examination screen to make sure it meets the exam standard, but cannot try to help or distract the examinee in any way. If the above situation occurs, the examiner will stop the exam and consider the exam result invalid.
9. How to ensure the fairness of the exam ?
Online exam requires candidates use a device with a camera to take the exam. Teachers of ASDAN China will be in the same ZOOM room with examiners and candidates to assist the examiners and ensure the fairness of the exam.