Extended Project Qualification

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Core Advantages of EPQ

28 points



Core Skills


EPQ Introduction

EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) is strongly recommended by The UK Department for Education and Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). It is an A-level course that does not require an examination. ASDAN has been approved by the Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator of UK (Ofqual), as the board eligible to launch EPQ program worldwide.

EPQ requires learners to identify a topic they are interested in with a supervisor-assessor guidance. Candidates then need to conduct independent research in the form of either a dissertation (no more than 5,000 words) or an artefact with a report (no less than 1000 words).

Applicants are also expected to deliver a 10-15 minute oral presentation of their outcomes. After external moderation, the applicants will obtain an EPQ certificate, ranking, and corresponding UCAS points (up to 28 points).

UCAS Points

EPQ A* is equivalent to half of an A-level and 28 UCAS points

Grade Tariff Points(A-Level) Tariff Points(EPQ)
A* 56 28
A 48 24
B 40 20
C 32 16
D 24 12
E 16 8

Please refer to UCAS website for details information: UCAS Website

Conditional Offers - Replace One Lower Grade AS Subject

Loughborough University

Website Introduction》

Lancaster University

Website Introduction》

The University of Warwick

Website Introduction》

University of Bath

Website Introduction》

The University of Leeds

Website Introduction》

University of Birmingham

Website Introduction》

The University of Manchester

Website Introduction》

Royal Holloway
University of London

Website Introduction》

University of Southampton

Website Introduction》

University of Nottingham

Website Introduction》

University of York

Website Introduction》

University of East Anglia

Website Introduction》

The University of Sheffield

Website Introduction》

Newcastle University

Website Introduction》

University of Liverpoo

Website Introduction》

Swansea University

Website Introduction》

University of Surrey

Website Introduction》

Cardiff University

Website Introduction》

Queen's university belfast

Website Introduction》

University of Reading

Website Introduction》

ASDAN EPQ Learning Process

Stage 0:Free lecture and Assessment (in Chinese)

Students can first sign up for ASDAN EPQ free lecture and undertake an assessment to find out whether they are suitable to participate in the EPQ program

Stage 1:Taught elements of Research-based Learning: 9 modules ,30-hour course (in Chinese, small class size)

Students will be provided a 30-hour course on basic theories and methods of research-based learning. ASDAN China has developed 9 modules based on the requirement of specification. 30-hour course will be delivered by ASDAN Chinese EPQ certified tutor

Stage 2:Research on Own Topics

12-hour Coaching Guidance (English: UK EPQ supervisor one-on-one tracking guidance)

Stage 3: Project Presentation, Grading and Report Submission

After completing the written report, students will give a 10-15 minutes presentation (online or offline). Supervisors/assessors will grade students' projects according to the marking criteria and then submit to ASDAN UK for final review

Stage 4: Get EPQ grade

After ASDAN UK's review, students will receive an EPQ certificate with maximum 28 UCAS points

Previous EPQ Project Topics & Artefacts

Previous EPQ Project Topics

Most of the topics cover four major themes:science, business, humanities and art.


• How to grow potatoes in North West China?
• Can we use genetic technology to create human exoskeletons?
• How does the microorganisms affects the quality of homemade yogurt?
• What is the best method to eradicate mosquitoes and to stop them from biting us?
• An investigation into the most effective liming material to facilitate soil neutralization in short term
• Is it really greener and more sustainable to replace oil-fueled vehicles by their electric counterparts in the 2020s China?


• Reasons why teenagers commit cyber violence on Chinese superstars
• An Evaluation of Beijing's Air Governance Policies and How they might be Improved for the Future
• How does the government expand and upgrade the existing public space to improve the development in my city?
• Exploring positive and negative aspects of peer online teaching and countermeasures to resolve challenges with this approach
• To what extent the correlation between the degree of smartphone addiction and psychological well-being of Chinese high school students


• To create a business plan for Elf, my own fashion company
• Should mobile payments completely replace the flow of cash in China?
• Which is a better way to make money on the stock market - investment or speculation?
• A 6 hour course- the enlightenment development of financial intelligence for grade 3 students
• What methods can be used by managers in member-only gyms to overcome the problems of low growth of gym membership in Huzhou?


• To create an artefact using tensegrity principles
• To what extent could computers programs understand art?
• To what extent does music inuence listeners' emotions?
• Exploring the impact of dubbing in the film process
• Do buildings built to the Golden Ratio still conform to the contemporary aesthetic?
• An investigation of the feminism of classic Hollywood era. - Compare to that in the modern times

Previous EPQ Artefacts & Performance

Scientific Invention

Scientific Invention



Art Design

Art Design

Artistic Creation (painting)

Artistic Creation (painting)

Literary Creation

Literary Creation

Music Creation (composition)

Music Creation (composition)



Business Strategy

Business Strategy

2021 ASDAN EPQ Autumn Term Plan

1 June to November Submit applications
2 28th November Applications approved and pay the fees
3 July/August September/October November/December 30-hour ASDAN EPQ Course UK EPQ supervisor 1:1 guidance
4 July to March in 2022 complete EPQ project UK EPQ supervisor 1:1 guidance
5 Late March in 2022 EPQ presentation
6 April in 2022 Supervisor/Assessor mark the student's work
7 May in 2022 EPQ results issued
8 July to August in 2022 EPQ certificates issued

Recommendation from Students and Experts

" We found that modern society needs talents with transferable skills such as communication, teamwork and problem solving skills. Employers do not want employees who collapse at the first sign of a difficulty. Universities do not want students who cannot cope just after their first few weeks in because parents and teachers are not telling them what to do anymore. Only those who accept failure and keep trying to succeed can cope with the changing environment. The EPQ program requires students to independently complete a research learning program. Students are highly motivated to participate in EPQ projects in the UK. They choose a topic of their own real interest, communicate with different people to formulate a feasible plan and sometimes they work closely with a team. They conduct in-depth research on the subject, propose and solve the problem. EPQ wants to develop students' skills so that even if their parents are not around, even if the teacher doesn't tell them what to do, they know how to be independent. If there is a problem, it is not the end of the world, they can find a way to solve the problem. When students write EPQ experiences into their university applications, these experiences are the highlights of their personal statements. They also talk of their EPQ experiences during interviews at universities. Students demonstrate that they have developed skills through an in-depth project that will have a profound impact on their future study and work."

Rebecca Coker-Adeleke

ASDAN EPQ principal moderator, has 10 years EPQ experience in the UK, guided hundreds of British students through their EPQs, ASDAN China EPQ tutor adviser

EPQ impacted me a lot. I never thought I could get into Oxford University. My EPQ topic is "how to extend the shelf-life of bread in the supermarket". In order to complete this project, I entered a local bakery for a short internship. Through different experiments, field research, second-hand research about related topics, I invented a new bread formula, successfully extended the shelf-life of bread in the supermarket. This formula was also adopted by my intership bakery, and they gave me good feedback. When I was interviewed at Oxford University, the interviewer was also very interested in my research experience and methods.


Major in Chemistry, Oxford University EPQ grade: A Topic: How to extend the shelf-life of bread in the supermarket

EPQ is my most unforgettable and proud academic experience in high school. I learned in my A-level biology class that "garlic" has a good bactericidal effect, so I think, since garlic has a good bactericidal effect, why not use "garlic" instead of "mint" to make toothpaste. In the first few trials, I found that garlic was so bad that I couldn't get a fresh breath at all, so I changed my research plan in the early days, focusing on the effect of natural substances on oral bacteria. I collected a variety of mint plants extensively, carried out many experiments, and finally selected 4 species for in-depth research. This project fascinates me.  By studying raw materials, I also synthesized my own toothpaste. EPQ taught me how to plan projects, how to get resources from different channels, how to ask questions, deal with changes and solve problems. I believe that these skills will play a positive role in my future life.

Hermione Patel

EPQ grade: A* Topic: An investigation into the effects of natural substances against bacteria in the mouth

I've always been interested in sociology and business. I took part in a summer study program in New York, and I found that even if American and British ideologies were similar in many places, the advertising display in the two countries was very different. I think if it is a more different country, then the difference will be greater. So, I wonder, what are the social reasons for these differences?  When I started to choose my EPQ topic, I chose to study how the UK companies tailored their marketing over the past 50 years due to a change in social acceptance. I conducted in-depth research on three topics: smoking, gender equality, and the rights and interests of the disabled. I read a large number of cases, while studying the changes in the relevant laws in these three aspects. I enjoyed the process, which allowed me to delve into topics of interest to myself and present my views.


EPQ grade: A Topic: Have companies tailored their marketing over the past 50 years due to a change in social acceptance?


What's the differences between ASDAN EPQ and other institutions?
Office of UK Examinations and Qualifications Regulatory (Ofqual) has authorised six boards, including ASDAN, to issue EPQ certificates when applying for UK universities. The EPQ scores issued by the six boards have the same validity. For more information, please refer to the official UCAS website of the UK Institutions of Higher Education Admissions Office: https://qips.ucas.com/qip/extended-project-qualification-epq. All EPQ training institutions in China are required to take authorization from ASDAN, CIE (Cambridge), AQA (Oxford) and EDEXCEL boards to carry out EPQ.
I worry about my research ability. Can I get a high grade in other forms?
ASDAN EPQ accepts two types of research outcomes: a 5000-word English dissertation, or artefact plus 1000 words essay in English. If you choose the latter, you can do science, art, design, drama, literature or other works.
What if I am not satisfied with my grade?
ASDAN provides review and resit services. Reviewing your final grade requires grading details from UK headquarter to ensure your grade was not misjudged. Resit allows a second participation of EPQ with development or extension based on the original project.
Can IB or AP students attend ASDAN EPQ?
Yes. Students who study A-level, IB, AP or other international curricula can participate in ASDAN EPQ, and the results have the same value. Note that students can not directly apply for ASDAN EPQ with IB extended essay (EE), AP CAPSTONE, or any other completed projects. You may consult your IB or AP teacher to see if ASDAN EPQ results can be used for IB EE or AP CAPSTONE.
EPQ research duration is relatively long. Can AS students in the second semester catch up with the university application?
Yes. For learners who meet an urgent deadline of university application, predicative grade are available upon request, which can be added into UCAS system.
Do I have to choose a tough EPQ topic or do experiments to get higher grade?
No! Experimenting is just one type of research methods. Each year we receive a wide range of topic areas, including nature science, social science, liberal arts, etc. For grading, EPQ research process weighs far more than results. A tough topic is no more likely to obtain better grade, as the essential factor of success is thinking level rather than topic feasibility.
What if my English ability is weak?
We do recommend learners with IELTS 5.5 or above to challenge EPQ. However, EPQ promotes English skill without you even realizing it! English ability will be improved by speaking with our SA from the U.K., reading secondary resources, writing dissertation and preparing for presentation. Also, Chinese tutors are more than glad to help should there be any difficulties.
Do I really need a UK supervisor-assessor with the same academic background?
No. EPQ highly evaluates students' independent learning ability throughout the whole process. Thus, an experienced EPQ SA always leaves students room to manage their own projects. According to EPQ assessment objectives, the less guidance a supervisor-assessor gives, the more likely a student gets high scores.

Contact Us

Northern China Contact:13426307315
Northern Region: Beijing、Tianjin、Heilongjiang、Jilin、Liaoning、 Heibei、Inner Mongolia、Shanxi、Shandong
Eastern China Contact:
Eastern Region: Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang
Southern China Contact:13145921676
Southern Region: Guangdong、Guangxi、Fujian、Hainan、Hongkong、Macao、Taiwan
Western China Contact:
Western Region: Chongqing、Sichuan、Yunnan、Guizhou、Shaanxi、Gansu、Qinghai、Tibet、Ningxia、Xinjiang