ASDAN China Introduction
Vision and Values
Development Key Facts
Join us
About us
CEO Notes
ASDAN’s mission is to support the personal, social and vocational development of young people. We believe in a broad education that develops skills for learning, life and work.
We are a curriculum development organisation and a regulated awarding body. All of our programmes and qualifications are underpinned by a tried and tested approach to supporting the systematic development of key skills such as teamwork and leadership, problem solving and creative thinking, researching and presenting. Through the development of these skills, our courses instil in young people the resilience, personal effectiveness and wellbeing that are key to their future success.
In the UK, we are looking at how our courses can keep pace with the changes happening at work and in education. We want to make sure that our courses help students apply their knowledge and skills at work, at home, and in their communities. For me, this is the key learning challenge for modern, global life – and I look forward to continuing to work with colleagues at ASDAN China on it.
Jenny Williams
ASDAN China Introduction
ASDAN China was founded in September 2011,and currently co-operates with 1,340 international schools and key schools in 74 cities.From 2022 to 2023, more than 300,000 students participated in ASDAN China programs. ASDAN China currently cooperates with top international educational organizations and prestigious universities across the world, with the aim of introducing high quality education resources on subjects such as business, economics, mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering, information science, biology, leadership, social studies and art into China. ASDAN China hopes to connect after-class activities with school classes, and aims to help schools improve their overall extra curricular activities, by providing students with high quality educational resources.

ASDAN China has exclusive rights under licence to offer ASDAN qualifications and curriculum programmes to centres and young people in the Peoples Republic of China. ASDAN China is entitled to make use of the ASDAN logo and reaches an agreement on branding with ASDAN UK.
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ASDAN China's Vision and Values
Our Purpose
ASDAN China's charitable purpose is: "The advancement of education, by providing opportunities for all learners to develop their personal and social attributes and levels of achievement through ASDAN China awards and resources, and the relief of poverty, where poverty inhibits such opportunities for learners."Our Mission and Vision
Mission: Helping Every Learner to AchieveASDAN China rewards learners' success in a range of skills and settings from Entry level to University entrance.
Our Educational Values
- Providing opportunities for all to achieve quality education
- Promoting personal and social development
- Celebrating systematic and progressive recognition of achievement
- Promoting assessment for learning
- Supporting personalized learning
Our Organizational Values
- People matter:Our aim is to operate ASDAN China as a socially responsible organization, and one which values, supports,uses and develops the skills and talents of all of its staff.
- Supporting teachers:We aim to work closely with educators in formal and non-formal settings and to support them in their work putting our educational values into practice with learners.
- Independent:We are not beholden to anyone. We are independent of government and work with all those involved in the education system to achieve our goals.
- Open:We aim to work without prejudice of any kind, learning from our experiences. We are proud of what we do, and we endeavour to communicate our work clearly and honestly.
- Accountable: We are responsible to those we exist to serve: learners, teachers, as well as to those who support our work. Professionally and financially, we are sound, scrupulous,efficient and effective.
Development Key Facts
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
Join us
Job Description for Project China Posts
Main tasks:
- Contribute to and lead conferences and seminars for education sector staff in China (mainly principals and teachers)
- Organise different programmes in China like business simulation events, mathematics tournaments, leadership training, and cultural study trips
- Design and deliver personal skills trainings
- Coach and assist client schools/organisations with their school/organisation activities
- Design and promote different educational programmes based on the market needs
Main tasks:
- Assist with the recruitment of students to the international programmes through liaison with school principals, heads of sections and other key staff
- Organise and lead training for schools/staff/students about the international programmes
- Lead international programmes in UK/US/Europe (from 4 or 5 day trips, to a two week study tour)
- Coach students with their academic research during the study tours
- Check portfolios regularly on the trips and support students in completing their work
- Assist with the qualification assessment (CoPE and AoPE in particular)
- Design and promote new programmes appropriate for international schools
HighLights of the Job
- A great learning experience in Beijing: our office is close to the 2008 Olympic Park
- Based in China, but with the opportunity to lead programmes in UK/Europe/USA, as well as travelling to different cities in China
- An excellent opportunity to learn Chinese in a context where you will be living and working with Mandarin speakers (who are also all pretty fluent in English!)
- A young, passionate and international team, who make the most of every opportunity!
- Free accommodation is offered 10 minutes from the office
- Friendly and creative working environment within a flexible working culture
- Encouragement for entrepreneurship and creativity: if you can design a programme in your dream country, we will support you with financial back up and human resources!
Person Specification
- Willingness to commit for at least one year
- Good organizational and entrepreneurial skills
- Maturity and international experience
- Reliable, happy and flexible personality
- Fluent English (working language is English)
- Preferred: work experience in a project/business development environment
- Preferred: degree in Business/Economics
About us
National Service Hotline(Mon. to Sun. 9:00-18:00)
Dial 1>Northern China: Heilongjiang、Jilin、Liaoning、Beijing、Tianjin、Shanxi、Shandong、Hebei、Henan、Inner Mongoria IM;
Dial 2>Eastern China: Shanghai、Jiangsu、Zhejiang;
Dial 3>Southern China: Guangdong、Guangxi、Fujian、Hainan;
Dial 4>Central West: Hubei、Hunan、Anhui、Jiangxi、Chongqing、Sichuan、Guizhou、Yunnan、Shaanxi、Xinjiang、Gansu、Qinghai、Tibet、Ningxia;
Dial 5>Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan regions and beyond