Route 1:UK

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Route 2:US

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Route 3:EU

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英国、 美国或欧洲五国 两周丰富体验和学习





UCAS 加分打造英、美、加、澳名校留学申请竞争优势

Program Introduction

ASDAN Mini-MBA Program

ASDAN Mini-MBA Program

ASDAN Mini-MBA program aims to guide students to become future elites with international competence through learning and practice. Students will visit and research international organizations, government departments, financial institutions, multinational corporations, art spaces, sports clubs, and world-class universities so that they will be more experienced in studying abroad, be more confident in integrating into local multiculturalism, be more sensitive to business, and be ready to become IT managers, product designers, consultants, business management experts, bankers, and other industry talents in the future.

Under the guidance of tutors, students will conduct a 1-month independent study in China and 13-day in-depth research in the UK, the US, and five European countries. Their achievements during the program can be used to apply for the AoPE Level-3 certificate recognized by Ofqual and UCAS with 8 UCAS points, which is very valuable for their university application in the future.

Introduction Video

Why Mini-MBA

Extra UCAS points and AoPE certificate

  • Extra 8 UCAS points
  • AoPE certificate recognized by the Ofqual and UCAS

High-standard visualization results (increasing the competitive advantage of university application)

  • AoPE academic report (with the guidance of a certified Chinese academic training instructor): completely record and evaluate students' academic performance and skill growth throughout the whole process, in line with the academic standards of world-famous universities; the report includes a complete personal research report, team city-themed video and business Program, etc.

Multi-theme visits

  • Rich topics:government organizations,  financial institutions, international media, luxury car factories, sports giants, the food industry, art and cultural attractions, etc.
  • Communication and cooperation with peers:compete with international school peers across the country to exchange experiences in learning and preparing for studying abroad

Professional academic system

  • Workshops:research, expressiveness, independent learning, cross-cultural communication, etc.
  • ASDAN certified Chinese academic tutors to guide the team
  • Academic design based on the three core skills:the three core skills of planning and reviewing learning, research skills, and teamwork will be recorded with a plan, do, and review, which is in line with ASDAN's academic standards

Accommodation standards

  • Meals:diverse local dishes with hygienic standards
  • Accommodation:three-star hotel or student apartment, standard room for 2 people, safe and clean

Program Itinerary

Multi-theme research

Global citizenship

Global citizenship

UN Headquarters, US Capitol, US Supreme Court, Lincoln Cottage, Washington city tour, Paley Center, Freedom Trail
Business exploration

Business exploration

Wall Street financial class, Hershey's, International Monetary Fund/World Bank
Future education

Future education

Harvard, MIT, Yale, Columbia
Artistic culture

Artistic culture

Broadway, MOMI


Jan.18 - Jan.27, 2025 (10 days)

location Morning Afternoon
D1 Arrive in Washington D.C
D2 Washington D.C


Opening Ceremony & ASDAN skill training. Cross-cultural communication and business training to ensure students understand the cultural differences during the trip Global citizenship:

Visit The Capitol, learn about the legislative branch of the federal government and American politics

or visit US Supreme Court, to know about US judicial system

D3 Global citizenship:

Visit International Monetary Fund, learn more about the work of the International Monetary Fund, its mission and mandate

(or) World Bank, learn about its mission and how it works

Global citizenship:

Visit the Library of Congress, the largest library in the world

(or) Artistic culture:

National Gallery of Art/National Air and Space Museum/National Museum of Natural History

D4 New York


Drive to New York

Business exploration: Visit Hershey's chocolate, to learn manufacturing of chocolate

D5 Business exploration:

UN Headquarters, learn about the history and work of the United Nations

Business exploration:

Wall Street or Financial museum, learn the US history of financial industry and development of Wall Street

D6 Artistic culture:

Visit the Statue of Liberty, and understand the immigration history of the US

Artistic culture:

Broadway class, learn the business model and operation of the world-known theatre

D7 WWO Challenge:

Students will team up to research an interesting topic (e.g. economics, culture, religion, art). Each team is required to interview local people and make a video/documentary about their team experience.

D8 Artistic culture:

Museum of Moving Image, learn more about American visual arts

Future education:

Columbia University, talk to students to understand their application process, recruitment standards and campus culture

Global citizenship:

Paley Center Going Green Workshop, discuss current environmental problems

D9 New Heaven


Drive to New Heaven Future education:

Yale University, talk to their students to understand application process, recruitment standards and campus culture

D10 Boston


Future education:

MIT, learn more about campus life and recruitment standards

Future education:

Harvard University, talk to Harvard students to understand their application process, recruitment standards and campus culture and lecture from current Harvard students on "How to be a Good Leader"

D11 Global citizenship:

Freedom Trail history workshop, learn about US immigration history

Business exploration:

Fenway Park,It is called one of the "most popular baseball stadiums in America" by Major League Baseball and sports fans

D12 Final Presentation & hand in ASDAN portfolio & Shopping at Outlets 
D13 Return to China














日程 地点 上午 下午 晚上
D1 旧金山 离开中国,抵达美国,调整时差。 住宿:三星级酒店 在老师指导下完成 ASDAN 报告
D2 开幕式与 ASDAN 技能培训 跨文化沟通课程: 如何克服心理障碍,尽快融入国际化环境,并能游刃有余地表达自己的观点 团队调研课程: 如何规划研究主题,整理思路,实施计划,完成任务 演讲与无领导小组讨论技能培训: 学好如何公众演讲,以及学会如何小组讨论 大学体验: 参访加州大学伯克利分校/ 斯坦福大学,了解其建校史、名人故事、教育理念,探索美国科技产业背后的人才支撑力量;与在校生/ 专业向导交流,熟悉大学申请流程和招生标准商业研修: 参观世界第二大半导体制造商因特尔博物馆,了解因特尔发展史、品牌推广计划及智慧城市设想,感受计算机行业巨变
D3 商业研修: 参访世界高新技术创新和发展中心硅谷, 了解硅谷历史发展,熟悉硅谷科技巨头,探索硅谷精神;参观苹果总部访客中心,通过AR增强现实功能,欣赏“飞船总部”全景及细节,近距离欣赏“飞船总部”,了解苹果产品及特点 商业研修: 参观谷歌园区,了解谷歌自行车、安卓系统;参观计算机博物馆,了解计算机发展史,探索人工智能, 了解无人驾驶汽车
D4 城市调研: 6-7 人一小组,确定考察主题与方向(艺术,时尚,饮食,传媒,旅游与金融),制定路线,明确分工,通过探访相关门店 & 企业,采访相关人士,进行深入实地考察(第五大道 / 帝国大厦 / 时代广场 / 中央公园 / 大都会博物馆)
D5 纳帕 商业研修: 参访美国顶级葡萄酒产地纳帕谷酒庄,了解美国葡萄酒产业,欣赏各式各样的酒庄,聆听引人入胜的酒庄故事,了解葡萄酒酿酒流程和工艺;畅游缤纷多彩的葡萄园,了解葡萄品种、采摘技术,欣赏怡人田园风光 乘车前往美国红杉树国家公园,沿途欣赏太平洋令人陶醉的海岸风光 住宿:三星级酒店 在老师指导下完成ASDAN 报告
D6 国家公园 世界公民: 参访美国红杉树国家公园,欣赏翠色欲滴的树木、千姿百态的山峦、一泻千尺的瀑布、远离城市喧嚣,领略震撼人心的自然美景;开展野外活动,登山、远足等 乘车前往波特兰 打卡市中心著名的先锋广场,欣赏美国摩登城市景象 住宿:三星级酒店 在老师指导下完成ASDAN 报告
D7 波特兰 世界公民: 波特兰所在的俄勒冈州是免税州,在琳琅满目的免税商场休闲购物 乘车前往西雅图 住宿:三星级酒店 在老师指导下完成ASDAN 报告
D8 西雅图 商业研修: 参访世界最大航空公司、北美唯一开放的商用喷气式飞机装配厂波音公司,近距离观看波音787 梦想客机、777飞机等波音产品及配件展品,了解波音发展史;深入飞机装配线,解锁背后飞机制造装配流程 商业研修: 参访微软总部, 了解微软过去、现在和未来,研究微软产品,玩转linkedIn照相亭,探索人工智能未来,体验混合现实,挑战游戏技能,感受最前沿科技
D9 商业研修: 参访美国最大电子商务公司亚马逊总部,了解亚马逊历史,探索亚马逊顾客至上理念,学习其如何促进社区发展;参观Spheres,置身于热带雨林般世界中,体验悬空鸟巢会议室,研究亚马逊如何模拟自然生态系统;参观Amazon Go无人机超市,走在科技前沿,思考人工智能利弊 大学体验: 参访位居全球大学排行榜第14名的华盛顿大学,了解其建校史、名人故事、教育理念,探索美国科技产业背后的人才支撑力量 艺术人文: 参访流行文化博物馆,在世界最“丑”建筑里,感知科幻电影的场景、飞想象力;了解电子游戏对社会的积极力量;走近美国流行音乐并尝试创作
D10 艺术人文: 参访西雅图艺术博物馆(SAM),以亚洲、非洲以及北美地区的原住民文化艺术为主,其面具、图腾、手工艺雕刻品等藏品的数量和品质举世闻名;同时它以各式新潮的艺术展览为世人所熟知,其场馆本身亦入选“全美最受欢迎百大建筑” 世界公民: 西雅图地标之一的派克市场,是本地人最喜爱的去处;这里还是全世界第一家星巴克品牌咖啡的诞生地,了解其原材料及有趣的制作工艺
D11 闭幕式:总结演讲,上交ASDAN报告 世界公民: 西雅图城市探索:太空针塔/西雅图69号码头/华盛顿湖等
D12 从西雅图返回中国
D13 抵达中国,返回家乡

Multi-theme research

Global citizenship

Global citizenship

MOSI, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben/ the Thames
Business exploration

Business exploration

Lloyd's, Bank of England Museum, Mini Cooper/ Land Rover, UK football club, Runway Visitor Park
Future education

Future education

Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College/ LSE
Artistic culture

Artistic culture

British Museum, Shakespeare's Globe, Tate Modern, London Art Street, Natural History Museum


Jan.18 - Jan.27, 2025 (10 days)

location Morning Afternoon
D1 Arrive in London
D2 London Opening Ceremony & ASDAN skill training. Cross-cultural communication training to ensure students understand the cultural difference in the country they are visiting Artistic Culture: 

Visit The British Museum, one of the most famous museums in the world

D3 Business exploration:

Visit the Museum of the Bank of England, understanding the history of how the UK became one of the world's financial centers

Future Education:

Visit LSE/UCL/ICL, talk to students to understand its application process, recruitment standards, and campus culture

D4 Artistic culture:

Visit Shakespeare's Globe/National Theatre, tounderstand more about traditional British literature and the theatre.

Artistic culture:

Natural History Museum, explore the variety of biology on the earth


D5 WWO Challenge:

Together with the group members (6-7 people), introduce Chinese characteristic products to local residents on the streets of London, so that more high-quality Chinese products can go to the world

D6 Artistic culture:

Music and drama workshop

Get on the stage and learn body expression and musical rhythm under the guidance of professional teachers

Artistic culture:

Visit Tate Modern, to experience European modern art and business strategies

D7 Artistic culture:

Visit the London street art district (or Cockpit Arts), and learn more about British designers' lives and their business strategies

Business exploration:

Research on the Financial Industry by visiting Lloyd's, the world's most special insurance market.,

(or) London Financial District, understanding the history of how the UK became one of the world's financial centers

D8 Manchester


Business exploration:

Visit Organic Farm, and learn how to manage a farm financially

Business exploration:

Visit Manchester City Football Club, and understand how they run the No. 1 sports business in the UK

D9 Future education:

Visit Runway Visitor Park, understand how the airport operates, and simulate the role of the pilot or flight attendant

D10 Oxford


Future education:

Visit Oxford University, understand the

recruitment standards and campus culture

Business exploration:

Visit Mini Cooper factory / Land Rover Factory/Morgan Motors/ Motor Museum, learn more about the car manufacturing industry

D11 Cambridge


Future education:

Visit Cambridge University, understand the recruitment standards and campus culture, punting on the River Cam

D12 Closing ceremony:

Final Presentation & hand in ASDAN portfolio

Shopping day
D13 Return to China from London

Multi-theme research

Global citizenship

Global citizenship

EU Parliament, Amsterdam city tour, FIFA Museum, Swiss snow mountain, Paris city tour, 5 European countries
Business exploration

Business exploration

Deutsche Bundesbank, German car industry, German beer factory, French Champagne, UBS, Football club, Belgian chocolate
Future education

Future education

Artistic culture

Artistic culture



Jan.18 - Jan.27, 2025 (10 days)

location Morning Afternoon
D1 Arrival in Germany
D2 Germany


Opening Ceremony & ASDAN skill training


Business exploration:

Gain more insights into the Financial Industry by visiting Deutsche Bundesbank

(or) learn more about the Financial

Industry by visiting Frankfurt financial district

D3 Business exploration:

German Beer Brewing factory, learn the development of beer making industry of Germany

Business exploration:

BMW/ Audi / Mercedes Benz factory/OPEL/mercedes-benz Museum,learn more about the car industry


D4 Switzerland


Global citizenship:

UBS:a lecture on the development and strategy of the Swiss banking industry

(or) FIFA Museum: discover fascinating stories behind the exhibition and learn the highlights of international football history

(or) Swiss Finance Museum

D5 WWO Challenge:

Students will team up to deliver research on interesting topics (e.g. economics, culture, religion, art, etc.). Each team is required to interview local people and make a video/documentary about their team experience.

D6 Swiss Crypto Valley,The heart of the global blockchain economy ,Step into this financial center, visit the financial lab, engage with financial professionals, and delve into the mysteries of blockchain.

Swiss Stoos mountains,Experience a quiet Swiss village with unique views

D7 France


Drive to Reims

Champagne factory, understand how to manage a luxury businesses

D8 Artistic culture:

Louvre Museum, one of the most famous museums in the world

Business exploration:

Visit Lafayette: marketing of  a department store or walking tour of Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, Sacré-Coeur, Champs-Elysées, Arc de Triomphe etc.

D9 Belgium


Drive to Brussels

Global citizenship:

learn about the EU Parliament by playing the roles of politicians, etc.

Brussels City Walk ,Visit the Grand Place in Brussels

D10 Business exploration:

Visit Belgian Chocolate Factory, learn about chocolate making industry, and try to make chocolate

Drive to Amsterdam

D11 Netherlands


Global citizenship:

Visit Amsterdam, and learn its unique canal culture or Dutch windmill tour

Business exploration:

Visit Ajax football club, learn about the development of European sports business

(or) Dutch Flower Market, Dutch Flower Market, the world's largest flower auction market

D12 Final Presentation & hand in ASDAN portfolio Shopping
D13 Return to China

Cultivate 3 core skills

Planning and Reviewing Learning

effective independent study and academic preparation within one month

Academic support: learning methods and strategies, SMART goals, time management, etc.
Research Skills
Choose research topics based on your interests and master the research skill

Academic support: primary research and secondary research methods, interview skills, academic report writing, etc.

Team Working

Cooperate with peers from international schools to expand your social circle

Academic support: group role and communication training, disagreement handling, video editing, production, etc.



Award of Personal Effectiveness

ASDAN Research certficate


Values for university application

AoPE Certificate and UCAS Points

AoPE (Award of Personal Effectiveness), provides an evaluation and qualification certification system for the development of students' comprehensive understanding and diversified extracurricular activities through the qualification certification of Level-3 by the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) and the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service ( UCAS ). AoPE develops students' seven core skills, while Mini-MBA focuses on three skills: research skills, planning and reviewing learning, and teamwork.

UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, is the UK's shared admissions service for higher education. The UCAS Tariff Points is a digital measure of the value of qualifications and achievements and turns them into UCAS Points, such as converting A-Levels, BTECs, HKDSE, IB course scores, and extracurricular quality activities, which are used as reference requirements for university admissions.

The Values for University Application

  • 8 extra UCAS points for applying to UK Universities
  • AoPE Certificate recognized by UCAS shows comprehensive quality when applying to Universities in US, Canada, and Australia. (Most colleges and universities in the US have holistic admissions. Holistic can be defined as an emphasis on the whole person. If a college has holistic admissions, the school's admissions officers consider the whole applicant, not just empirical data like one's GPA or SAT scores. Extracurricular activities, core skills, student potential, and experiences play an important role in holistic admissions.)

Our stories







Participation Standards

The Mini-MBA is suitable for high school students in grades 9-12, who are interested in foreign cultures, various industries, and prestigious universities. Students with an IELTS score of 6 and above, or a TOEFL score of 80 and above can apply directly. Otherwise, students need to take a written test and sign up after passing.

Registration Process

Step 1: Registration and Passport Application

Please apply for a passport if you don't have one. Scan the QR code to fill in the application form online.

Step 2: Contract Signing Protocol

ASDAN China will send contracts to students. Parents should sign the contract and pay the required fees within 5 working days.

Step 3: Visa

After students have obtained their passports, they should, in accordance with the visa material package prepare the relevant materials and submit them to ASDAN China. ASDAN China will make an appointment and arrange all other visa formalities.

Step 4: Academic Training

Once students have completed the payment, professional trainers will give introductory training on the AoPE portfolio and other specific Mini-MBA academic knowledge.

Step 5: Participate in the Mini MBA Program(Jan- Feb 2024)

Participate in the Mini MBA program; students will travel around the selected country and complete the ASDAN portfolio under their ASDAN Trainer's guidance. They will submit the final report to ASDAN UK.

Step 6: Receiving Results

The final results will be announced by ASDAN UK within 30-45 working days of the report submission. Students who have passed the review will gain the AoPE Certificate and 8 UCAS Points.


1. Will participating in this program guarantee I obtain UCAS points? How can I obtain UCAS points?

The ASDAN Mini MBA program does not guarantee students will receive the AoPE qualification or 8 UCAS points. All students who participate in this program need to complete the ASDAN portfolio under their teacher's guidance in order to receive AoPE. This involves recording their academic experiences in detail. The final report will be submitted to the ASDAN headquarters in the UK. Only those who pass the review will obtain their AoPE and in turn receive 8 UCAS points. These UCAS points will be added automatically to the student’s credentials, which can prove to be an essential piece of evidence for their personal statement. For more information on the UCAS credit conversion and bonus system, please see UCAS official website:

2. What will happen if I didn't pass in the end? Will I get corresponding points(<8)?

The result will be either pass or fail. If you pass, you will get 8 UCAS points; if you don't pass, you will not get any points. It is possible you may receive a Research Award from ASDAN if you do not pass, which will prove that you attended an ASDAN international program. Your work will be checked by ASDAN UK to see if it qualifies for either award.

3. If I am a student who comes from a lower grade or lack many personal skills that the ASDAN AoPE award monitors, does it mean I will have lower chance of passing the AoPE Level-3 qualification?

AoPE requires you to develop your personal skills in 3 different aspects, it's not a competition or examination. As long as you fully participate and develop yourself in different aspects as required, you will have a fair chance of obtaining the certificate.
