Ivy League Model United Nations Conference · China Conference

4 Pre-conference Trainings, 3 Committees, Real MUN experience, University of Pennsylvania dias

Exploring global issues, broadening the international horizon

Joining in future leaders cradle

Cultivating global competence, honing skills in public speaking and debating

Enhancing personal competitiveness, improving all-round academic strengths

Date: July 30 - August 2, 2024 | Location: Shanghai

Invitation Letter

Dear Delegates,

I am thrilled to invite you to the Ivy League Model United Nations Conference China 2024, hosted this year in Shanghai from July 30th to August 2nd! As the Secretary-General, I am honored to invite you to this esteemed international forum that embodies the ideals of cooperation, discourse, and diplomacy. At ILMUNC, we firmly believe that cultivating these skills in young leaders like yourselves will be the catalyst for positive global change.

We hope that ILMUNC China will serve as a launching pad for global debate on the world’s most pressing issues, engaging a new generation of future leaders and problem solvers. ILMUNC has long believed that the value of Model UN spans across borders, and in an era of increasing tensions and uncertainties among global actors, the ability to navigate our multi-polar world will be essential for the next generation of leaders. As one of the world’s leading conferences, we must take the opportunity to spread productive thoughtfulness, navigating our multi-polar world through principles of healthy discussion.​​ In this vein, this year’s conference theme is “Building Bridges, not Walls”, inspired by the conversations you will have to advance collaborative global diplomacy.

Throughout the past year, forty-eight University of Pennsylvania students have dedicated themselves to bringing ILMUNC China 2024 to life, and a select portion of this team will be coming to the historic city of Shanghai to staff the conference. This Secretariat is committed to making a positive experience for all delegates in attendance, with the hopes that we learn from each other’s diverse knowledge and backgrounds. Whether you are a seasoned delegate or a first-time attendee, you will be welcomed into an environment that encourages critical thinking, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas. At ILMUNC, we believe that each delegate has a unique perspective to offer, and we strive to create an atmosphere that fosters intellectual growth and personal development.

I encourage you to read through our website for more information on registration, our committees, and our Secretariat. More information will be added to the website as we continue to develop our conference experience throughout the year. On behalf of the entire ILMUNC China 2024 Secretariat, I can not wait to see all of you in Shanghai in July and be a part of a truly wonderful experience!

Juliette Silk
Secretary-General, ILMUNC China 2024


Host by ASDAN China and the Model United Nations of University of Pennsylvania, together we will provide MUN lovers with a more professional and diverse platform for showcasing their skills.
ILMUNC China aims to equip young people with more knowledge of international politics, familiarity with the rules and operations of UN agencies, enhanced negotiation skills and language proficiency, and ample opportunities to communicate with distinguished chairs and representatives from top schools. This will serve as a solid foundation for their future social and global engagement.

Date: July 30 - August 2, 2024
Location: Shanghai

2024 ILMUNC China

2024 ILMUNC China

Why ILMUNC China?

3 Global Committees

Professional Dias from World Top Universities
Rich Committee and Topic Settings
Innovative Social Activities
Professional Pre-conference Training
Exclusive Personal Reports and Official Certificates


Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM) , is one of six United Nations General Assemblies. SOCHUM was initially devised by the General Assembly during its 65th Meeting in 2011, with the intention that all Member States could facilitate and participate in discussion to remedy human rights issues. The committee focuses on establishing humanitarian rights and improving social conditions throughout the world.

Topic A:Primary Education in the Developing World
Topic B:Youth and Young Adult Unemployment around the World


ECOFIN focuses on economic policies, international trade, taxation, nancial service recollection, funding of development, and handling the e!ects of globalization. As a General Assembly, all UN Member States participate in this committee.

Topic A:Bank Collapses
Topic B:Intervening in Times of Economic Turmoil

Committee on Sustainable Development (Intermediate)

The Committee on Sustainable Development (CSD)  was established by the United Nations General Assembly in December 1992. Its creation was a direct outcome of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), more commonly known as the Earth Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992.

Topic A:Rural Electrification
Topic B: Harnessing Sustainable Energy Resources from the Ocean

Professional Dias from University of Pennsylvania

ILMUNC China will invite chairs from University of Pennsylvania (QS Top 12) to co-host this summit with elites from both domestic and foreign regions. You can experience the academic atmosphere of world-renowned university up close, get in touch with senior students from these schools, and feel the power of role models!

Ben Tausner

Ben Tausner

Gabriel Greenfield

Gabriel Greenfield

Grace Tai

Grace Tai

Jade Stein

Jade Stein

Luke Stoner-Eby

Luke Stoner-Eby

Rich Committee and Topic Settings

ILMUNC China has carefully selected committees and topics that are broad yet complex so as to inspire great debates. Participating delegates can choose topics of interest to engage in in-depth communication with outstanding delegates from across the country. Under the guidance of the chairs, they can explore global affairs, enhance their analytical, speaking, debating, and negotiating abilities!


War and conflict, refugee crisis, human rights issues, terrorism, nuclear weapons, etc.


Globalization, trade agreements, economic cooperation and development, etc.


Education, cultural diversity, gender equality, health care, poverty and social injustice, etc.


Climate change, biodiversity, forest protection, marine pollution, etc.


Climate change, biodiversity, forest protection, marine pollution, etc.

Innovative Social Activities

ILMUNC China will have interesting and innovative social activities, such as sharing session, talent show, etc. In addition to the intense conference exchanges, delegates can communicate with delegates from all over the country about life and learning, gain valuable friendships, and establish lifelong connections!

Professional Pre-conference Training

ILMUNC China will provide interdisciplinary academic assessment, periodic Quiz, pre-conference training courses, and complete academic material packages to help delegates open their minds, learn how to write position papers, and understand the rules and procedures of Model United Nations. Even if you are a MUN beginner, you don't need to be afraid!

● Academic Resources

● Quiz

● Professional Training

Exclusive Personal Reports and Official Certificates

Participating delegates will obtain ofcial electronic version participation certicates, and outstanding delegates have the opportunity to win different awards, effectively enhancing their personal background and helping with admission to top universities!


July 30 July 31 August 1 August 2
Morning Registration Committee Session II Committee Session IV Committee Session VI
Afternoon Opening Ceremony
Pre-conference training
Committee Session III Committee Session V Closing Ceremony & Awards Announcement
Evening Committee Session I Workshop Social Event Departure


Individual Award(each committee)

• Best Delegate
• Outstanding Delegate
• Honorable Mention
• Best Position Paper

* The awards setting may vary from different committees.
* The number of individual awards will vary according to the size of the committee.
* Delegates who attend all sessions will receive a digital participation certification upon completion.

Registration Process


July 30 - August 2






inclusive of MUN conference, Preconference training, Academic Materials, Digital Certificate, and insurance, excluding logistics expenses such as transportation, accommodation, and meals.
*Any students who has participated in ASDAN MUN program since 2023, will enjoy a 200RMB discount before June 18, 2024.


Click【Sign Up】, Fill in Participant Information and Submit the Registration Form

Registration Process

  • 1.Registration and choose your preferred Committee
  • 2.Submit Pre-conference Assessment
  • 3.Write Position Paper
  • 4.Topic Research, write position papers
  • 5.Pre-conference training
  • 6.Pre-event Notice
  • 7.Official Conference

Contact Us


North China

Beijing, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Shanxi, Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Tianjin, Neimenggu

Ms. Ou

South China

Shenzhen, Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Fujian, Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan, and overseas


South China

Guangdong(Except Shenzhen, Zhongshan, and Zhuhai), Guangxi,Hainan


East China

Shanghai, Jiangsu


East China


Ms. Xiao

West China

Hunan, Hubei, Anhui, Xinjiang, Jiangxi


West China

Sichuan, Chongqing, Shaanxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Ningxia, Gansu, Qinghai, Xizang