ASDAN China, working with The London Institute of Banking & Finance (LIBF)

Financial Ability Assessment and Challenge

Well-designed online courses to help improve financial thinking

Financial Ability Assessment provided to review and learn in online courses

Stock Simulation to develop ability in risk analysis

Compete in Preliminary Round to qualify for National Final

LIBF certificate beneficial for university application and career development

Participating students
Participating schools
1 Hour
Online courses
Investment Capital


The London Institute of Banking & Finance (LIBF)

Established in 1879, The London Institute of Banking & Finance has been providing industry-leading education for more than 140 years.

LIBF focuses on lifelong learning: equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills and qualifications to be successful throughout their careers and in life.

It provides undergraduate and postgraduate degrees for students aiming to pursue careers in business and finance, and accredited professional qualifications for people working in the finance sector.

Their Lessons in Financial Education (LiFE) course, is a core part of this competition programme.


Assessment and Challenge

Financial Ability Assessment and Challenge is a combination of an LIBF financial capability qualification (Lessons in Financial Education, LiFE) and a stock market challenge.

The LIBF qualification is accredited by the UK’s Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual), to focus on lifelong learning; equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills and qualifications to achieve what they want throughout their career and life. In preliminary round, the challenge is separated into junior and senior division. Participants will also have the opportunity to simulate trading in the stock market and act as asset management companies to deal with millions of dollars. The participants compete in Preliminary Round to qualify for the National Round.

The preliminary round is divided into 2 parts: Financial Ability Assessment and Stock Exchange Challenge. Those with excellent grades will receive an authoritative financial capability certificates and get access to the National Round.


Financial Knowledge

Improve on investment and financial thinking

Stock Market Simulation
Develop ability in risk analysis
Finance Management
Beneficial for univerity application in finance-related major
Fund Security
High school version of "CFA Challenge", authoritative certificate

Financial Ability Assessment and Challenge

Development Path

Preliminary Round
Preliminary Round
  • Date:
    6th April, 2024 (Offline Exam Registration Deadline: 23rd March 2024; Online Exam Registration Deadline: 30th March 2024)
  • Division: Junior / Senior
  • Format: Individual
  • Consists
    Financial Ability Assessment
    Stock Exchange Challenge
  • Exam Mode: Online / offline
  • Preparation:Online Courses
    • Learning Hours:48 Hours
    • Content:
        • Unit 1—Your Personal Finance:Money, Sources of money, Storing money safely, Spending and budgeting, Saving and selling, Borrowing, What is insurance, How do we keep our money safe?
        • Unit 2—Money management for your generation:Modern banking, Pay and pay calculations, Types of payment card, The cost of borrowing, Using money abroad, Financial difficulties and their consequences , Financial advice and protection
        • Unit 3—Your future, your career:The financial services industry, Routes into financial careers, Roles and career paths, Planning your career
      *Students will receive the academic material one week in advance
  • Refund Policy:The account for the online courses will be registered for the students after payment. No refund will be given after the course registration is made.

    Competition Content:

    Part 1: Financial Ability Assessment
    • Participants:Junior, senior
    • Language:English
    • Written Test:105 minutes
    • Content:
      Your personal finances: 30 stand-along multiple-choice questions
      Money management for your generation: 35 stand-along multiple-choice questions
      Your future, your career: 35 stand-along multiple-choice questions
    • Grading:One point for each question, no deductions will be made for any incorrect answer
    • Qualification Benchmark : A minimum score of 15 points in Unit 1; 10 points in Unit 2; 10 points in Unit 3
    • LiBF LiFE Certificate: Participants who achieve the qualification benchmarck (Certified by the British Council of qualifications and courses).
    Part 2: Stock Exchange Challenge (junior and senior)
    • Language:English system with stock exchange introduction in Chinese
    • Duation: 240 minutes
    • Content:
      Round 1:Allocation plan for the asset of 100,000 dollars
      Round 2 & 3:2 operation rounds
      Students will have to adjust their investment portfolio according to the simulation Round 4:Live personal behavior analysis report and feedbacks from instructors
    Time Content
    10:00-11:45 Financial Ability Assessment
    11:45-14:00 Rest
    14:00-14:40 Training on investment
    14:40-15:00 Test round
    15:00-17:45 Four operation rounds
    17:45-18:00 Instructor's conclusion
    *Subject to Change.
    Financial Ability Assessment Stock Exchange Challenge
    High Distinction:Top 10% High Distinction:Top 10%
    Distinction:Top 20% Distinction:Top 20%
    Credit:Top 35% Credit:Top 35%
    Prize Award: Full scores
    LIBF LiFE Certificate:
    Qualifiers to National Round
    *Award winners and LiFE obtainers are qualified for National Round.
National Round
National Round
  • Date:
    July 2024 (5 days)
  • Location:Shanghai
  • Format:Individual competition and team competition
  • Participants:Students who have received award in the Preliminary Round. Students need to be in a team of 4 to participate, individual participants will be assigned to a group by the organizing committee.
  • Numbers per team:3-4 Students
  • Registration:Qualifiers will receive an invitation for National Round
  • Language:English

LIBF Financial Ability Assessment and Challenge National Finals will be held as the Special Committee under ALLSTAR, the conference will also have additional sessions such as VIP Business Keynote Speaker, Economic Lecture and special social event, more details please refer to official website:2024 ALLSTAR

  • Award percentage:50%
  • Content:
Morning Afternoon Evening
D1 Registration, Opening Ceremony  Ice Breaking, Rules introduction Preparation Night
D2 Debut of the Gods:
Financial Quiz Bowl
Myths of Creation:
Financial Case Analysis
Prophet's advice:
Talent Show
D3 Pandora's Box:
Stock Exchange Challenge I
The Trojan Horse:
Stock Exchange Challenge II
Social Night
D4 The New Golden Age:
Financial Ability Assessment
Battle of Olympus:
Financial Challenge
Closing Ceremony
*The agenda might be adjusted according to the actual circumstance.

Online Learning Platform


Financial Knowledge
Finance Management
Fund Security

Key Skills

Budgeting Skill
Communication Skill
Preliminary Budgeting
Comprehension Ability
Data Processing Skill
Information Analysis

LIBF – Lessons in Financial Education (LiFE) Online Courses

  • Learning hours:48 h
  • Content:
  1. Unit 1 - Your personal finance:Money, Sources of money, Storing money safely, Spending and budgeting, Saving and selling, Borrowing, What is insurance, How do we keep our money safe?
  2. Unit 2 - Money management for your generation:Modern banking, Pay and pay calculations, Types of payment card, The cost of borrowing, Using money abroad, Financial difficulties and their consequences , Financial advice and protection.
  3. Unit 3 - Your future, your career:The financial services industry, Routes into financial careers, Roles and career paths, Planning your career.

* You have the chance to watch the learning material repeatedly.
















Academic Support

Amplify Trading ( A.T. ) , born in London, UK, provides academic support for the investment sector. A. T. has provided recruitment, staff training for the world's top investment banks, including Morgan Stanley, Standard Chartered Bank, also offers financial teaching and practical experience for top universities in the world.

Xiaoyu Zhang

Amplify Trading China Director
China director of Amplify Trading, with 7 years of experience in international financial market trading and training, has worked as a stock / index derivatives trader in Morgan Stanley's London headquarters.

Exam Centers