ASDAN Major Achiever
Career Exploration Programs

项目简介 为什么选择我们? 核心学术设计模型 核心学术内容模块 项目列表 联系我们 4001-699-686 立即报名 扫码报名 ASDAN Career Practice – Major Achiever Unique advantage determined by passion and action Over 30+ hot majors  Resources of Top 10 enterprises in industries Distinctive knowledge and skills improvement Introduction Introduction … Read More

ASDAN Career Education Service
Career Exploration Programs | High School

ASDAN Career Education Service Introduction VN Career Workshop VN Teacher Training Off-campus Career Exploration Contact us 4001-699-686 Assessment Access ASDAN Career Education Service Introduce VitaNavis® Career Interest Assessment authoritatively developed by Myers-Briggs®, the world’s top psychological assessment agency. Its assessment … Read More

Career Internship
Career Exploration Programs

阿思丹线上影响力实习计划 项目简介 项目详情 为什么 选择我们? 什么是一次 影响力实习? 与其他实习对比 项目流程 生涯价值与 实习收获 核心学术 内容模块 联系我们 4001-699-686 VN测评入口 立即报名 扫码报名 Career Internship Unique advantage determined by passion and action Enterprise-level internships Real social influence High-level background improvement Six major themes “dual-mentor system” … Read More

ASDAN Careers Macau
Career Exploration Programs

ASDAN Careers Macau Program Introduction Highlights Course Options Instructors Culture Exploration Class Schedule More Options 4001-699-686 Apply Now ASDAN Global Career Exploration Program University of Macau / Business Strategy | Marketing “Certificate of Completion” from UM “ASDAN Careers and Experiencing … Read More

ASDAN Careers Shanghai
Career Exploration Programs

ASDAN Careers Shanghai Introduction Highlights Courses Online Simulations Class Schedule More Options 4001-699-686 Apply Now ASDAN Global Career Exploration Program     Partner: AmplifyTrading / Financial Analysis Certificate of Completion Certificate of “ASDAN Careers and Experiencing Work” accredited by UCAS … Read More