

ASDAN China Simulation Business has been holding for around 12 years since 2010. Nearly 60,000 students from both key middle schools and international schools have participated across the country.

The activity simulates the company operation, the road show, trading challenge and so on, by relying on a virtual system to simulate the completely free marketplace. In this way, students can truly experience the entrepreneurial process of product design, marketing, brand planning, company operation and project management.

WYEF business competition will invite hundreds of outstanding teams from over 100 regional rounds to participate. Besides, the conference will also invite business leaders, economists, corporate executives to share their business insights and career development.


WYEF经济论坛委员会与耶鲁大学创业者协会 (Yale Entrepreneurial Society)及众多名校组织团队携手,每年围绕全球经济形势与资本市场的种种表现进行研判,以此设计出本届委员会主题。

6大委员会 多元视角

Grace Gerwe
Yale University
Developmental Biology


The Economics of Food and Agriculture
食物对人类而言至关重要。在过去的 100 年里,关于粮食的种植、生产、分配和消费都发生了巨大变化,并对社会福祉和结构、经济和环境产生了深远影响。现如今,随着全球政治气候的变迁,粮食和农业问题比以往任何时候都更亟待解决。本经济委员会将着重探讨面临上述挑战,将如何重新设计公平公正、高效且弹性制的粮食供应体系,以确保地球和全球物种的良性循环;分主题还将探索社会健康、地缘政治、气候和技术等相关议题。

Moundhir Sajjad
Fudan University International Politics


Media at our Fingertips: The Global Marketing
全球贫富差距问题是当前各国面临的重大挑战,该问题需要在座的各位优秀聪慧的年轻未来领导者去思忖和实现。在社交媒体和消费主义盛行的时代,用简明扼要、易于理解的方式去阐明复杂的理论是一项至关重要的技能,就算对全球诸多顶尖学者来说这依然是一项罕见的属性。在在本次经济论坛委员会中,参与者将利用新媒体的实践经验去实践这项技能,并尝试去让 21 世纪的人类理解全球贫富差距这一当前最紧迫的经济议题。

Nathaneo Johnson
Yale University
Computer Science & Economics


Climate Change & Economics

Oliver Rhodes
Harvard University
History and Law

21 世纪的无冕之王:优秀记者是如何炼成的?

The Future of the Press
尽管大众传媒的方式迭代不止,但新闻行业的本质却是恒定的。在过去15 年中,传统媒体经历了技术、政治和文化变革的考验,随着信息量过载,传统媒体行业的记者比以往任何时候都更不受到大众的信任。本次经济论坛委员会将着重于审查新闻界的未来:现代记者需要什么技能来讲述一个故事?如何才能更好地吸引新受众?最重要的是,应该选择讲述哪些故事?在这里,你将通过写作与演示、研讨与辩论,并使用现代贸易工具来实践解决这些问题。

Seth Goldin
Yale University
Computer Science and Linguistics


Ethics of AI and Machine Learning

Teo Demov
Yale University
Math, Physics and Statistics


Developmental Entrepreneurship

Academic Themes

. The activity simulates the company operation, the road show, trading challenge and so on, by relying on a virtual system to simulate the completely free marketplace.
In this way, students can truly experience the entrepreneurial process of product design, marketing, brand planning, company operation and project management.


Students will decide on their company's financial aspects by choosing how to spend the initial investment. These financial decisions include staff numbers, salaries, marketing and research costs and also the price of their products.


Apart from the operation rounds, students need to prepare three roadshow presentations. The topics are usually related to real-world business logic, integrated as projects, aiming to give students an understanding of skills needed in order to become an entrepreneur.


Each company has different resources. The goal for all companies is to get all resources and develop the most successful trading strategy in the market. They will practice their negotiation skills through buying and selling.

Academic Themes

Each month focus on a different business theme drawn from the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The Organizing committee hopes to cultivate a future generation of socially responsible business leaders who understand the business world, care about practical issues, and use business to change people's lives and make the world a better place!

Business Simulation &UN Sustainable Development Goals

Leading entrepreneurs of tomorrow:Creating innovative business blueprints to achieve global sustainability

While the ASDAN BS helps students develop their financial, business skills and entrepreneurial mindset, it aims to instill a sense of social responsibility in the young participants.ASDAN hopes to ingrain the concept of sustainability in these future entiepreneurs' mindset while solving real life problems with their business concepts.
In 2021, ASDAN started to incorporate the United Nations Sustainable Dvelopment Goals (SDG) as a monthly theme for Business Simulations. Participants are given an 'SDGChallenge' and are asked to propose sustainable business solutions focu:ing on the monthly chosen SDG. They are encouraged to present practical ways to solve numerous globalproblems. At the end of 2021 over 10,000 students from 400+ schools acoss China had participated in ASDAN Business Simulations.





Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6
Morning Opening Ceremony
Rules introduction
Operation Test Round
• Roadshow 1
• Trading Game
• Roadshow 2
• Roadshow 3 Task
Announcement and
• Roadshow 3
• Operation Round 5
Afternoon Registration • Roadshow 1 Task
Announcement and
• Operation Round 1
• Roadshow 2 Task
Announcement and
• Operation Round 2
• Operation Round 3
• Operation Round 4
• Operation Round 6
• Operation Round 7
Evening Rest Talent show Social Night Closing Ceremony

* Agenda is Subject to Change


Gold Winner: 1 team

Silver Award: Top 5% Teams

Bronze Award: Top 10% Teams

Top Trading Team

Best Project Award

Best Entrepreneur Award

Prototype Award

Student Testimonials

From how to conduct industry research, to finally put the idea of entrepreneurship into practice, we completed a complete business operation process in the challenge. One of the most important things I learned was that in order to build a successful business, you must identify the needs of the consumer and the market first. This experience not only taught me how to write a complete business plan, but it also taught me how to design a compelling presentation that would appeal to potential consumers. You know, you only have 2 minutes to speak, but in that 2 minutes, you have to present the entire 10-page business plan to our prospective investors. That’s sounds very challenging.


 Brighton College
Having participated in so many ASDAN simulation business challenges, I have learned a very important lesson: never reach an outcome until the last minute.Maybe a small physical object will cause us to lose all, or maybe a change in the algorithm will allow us to occupy the market in the end and upwind overturning. "Nervous" and "stimulate" have always been synonymous with business war, as CEO we need to constantly lead the team to overcome difficulties in business simulation, and go all out to deal with every link. Business simulation is never a battlefield of one person, but the tacit understanding and mutual support between teams. To have such a spirit, for us, is the real victory.


North America International School