
British Psychology Olympiad


全球 20+ 国家参与,700+ 牛津剑桥大学校友组成精英学术团队

2000+ 优秀高中生每年集聚一堂,角逐并展示前沿心理学研究成果

资格轮 - 全国轮 - 全球轮逐级进阶,由浅入深开展心理学学术研究,感受心理学独特魅力


英国心理学思维挑战 项目介绍

" 踏上心灵旅程探索自我认知,攀登学术之路问鼎专业巅峰 "

英国心理学思维挑战(British Psychology Olympiad) 是由 Minds Underground(简称 MU)主办的心理学挑战活动,是牛津大学官方推荐的心理学思维挑战。活动旨在为全球高中生提供心理学交流平台,激发全球学生对心理学的学习兴趣,发展研究和批判性思维,展示研究能力和写作技巧,是心理学专业领域罕见的中学生学术活动。在全国轮中表现优异的同学,有机会受邀前往英国牛津大学参加心理学夏校,全方位助力牛剑等全球名校申请

主办方希望借此促进全球范围内的知识共享和思想交流,为全球学生提供一个互相学习和成长的平台。通过连接全球的学术社群,MU 致力于打破地理和文化的界限,推动创新和合作,以解决当今社会面临的复杂挑战!

2023 年,Minds Underground 与阿思丹(ASDAN China)达成战略合作,共同举办心理学思维挑战,为中国学生提供展示平台。欢迎任何对知识探索和思想交流感兴趣的同学,参与到心理学思维挑战中,拓展视野,深化理解,探索人类思维的深度,扩展心理学的边界!














Qualifier Round
选择题,90 分钟,线上 / 线下笔试
2023 年 12 月 16 日


National Round
7 天学术嘉年华,个人 + 团队挑战,学术社交两不误
2024 年 2 月 2 日 - 2 月 8 日


International Round
2024 年 4 月


BPO Summer School at Oxford
2024 年 8 月 8 日 - 8 月 17 日


时间:2023 年 12 月 16 日
地点:线上 / 承办学校
报名资格:9-12 年级对心理学感兴趣的同学均可参与。
晋级标准:试卷分数超过组委会设置的最低分数线即可晋级到全国轮。(晋级率约为 60%)


时间:2024 年 2 月 2 日 – 8 日

上午 下午 晚上
Day 1 抵达,签到
Day 2 开幕式




Day 3 【写】选题及研究设计 【探】识别常见逻辑谬误


Day 4 【写】一手调研及二手调研方法 【抢】心理学知识抢答(个人)


Day 5 【写】论文写作中的格式与引用


【玩】心理学实验大挑战(团队) 【自习】撰写论文
Day 6 【写】完成论文 闭幕式 + 颁奖典礼
Day 7 离开


各个环节前 60% 获得优胜奖;
* 以上奖项供参考,以实际颁发奖项为准





Psychology Essay Competition

所有同学需在全国轮完成一份心理学论文写作,并截止日期前提交至 MU 全球组委会,参与 Psychology Essay Competition 评选。Psychology Essay
论文要求:英文写作,字数 1000-1500 字(不包括引用),需使用 Harvard 引用格式。
评选时间:2024 年 4 月(待定)






Expectation of Covid-19 cases in the year 25 - 27
Covid-19, a highly infectious respiratory disease, has been brought to attention worldwide over the last several years. By January 2023, there has been 670 million cases across the globe, with 6.82 million deaths throughout [1]. In this paper, the authors will devise a mathematical model with the purpose of predicting Covid-19 cases in the year 2025-27. The main objective of this paper is to create a model suitable for data from 2020 up until now factoring all possible affectants. 
Expectation of world’s population by year 2050
Population is related to a country's prosperity and people's well-being, and together with capital and technology, it determines the potential growth rate of the economy. The population factor changes slowly in most periods, but in the transition period, the change speeds up and the trend sinks strongly. The global population is facing a major change in the upcoming years and the population boom is coming to an end.
Expectation of Covid-19 cases in the year 2023-25
In this essay, we present a mathematical model aimed at predicting the number of Covid-19 cases in the year 2023-25. The main goal is to create a line graph showing the number of cumulative cases, projected from the data we have from 2020 up to now. All citations are placed beside the paragraph where relevant information is used.
Expectation of world’s population by year 2050
With the development of science and technology and the improvement of medical and living standards, the increase of population has also led to the intensification of population aging, which means that in the future, perhaps in 2050, the labor force will decline significantly, the social burden will increase, and the potential economic growth rate will gradually decline.

Computer Science

How AI and ML can be applied in national internet security and its sub-unities, with viable precautions
In many parts of the world, governments emphasize national cybersecurity (internet security). Related internet security systems have been widely studied in many branches of artificial intelligence (AI), from computer vision to robotics. Among all those categories, machine learning (ML) could be regarded as the most multiuse and non-specific method. Summarized to Anthony (2022), over $28 billion was funded in machine learning applications, and over $14 billion was invested in the machine learning platform, which occupies the most in the field of AI.
Earthquake Prediction System based on machine learning technology
In recent years, the improvement of computer performance makes machine learning more and more widely used in geophysical research. The application of pan, especially in geophysical exploration, is progressing very rapidly. However, machine learning in the field of earthquake prediction is still in the early exploratory stage. This paper mainly discusses and designs an earthquake prediction system with Machine Learning. The system includes long - term and short - term forecasting. At the same time, machine learning can improve the accuracy of prediction.


A Brief Overview of Alzheimer's Disease (AD)
Alzheimer's, the most common cost of dementia, is a neurodegenerative disease that causes issues in the brain with memory, cognition, and behavior. [10] According to Alzheimer's Disease International, it was the "top cause of disabilities in later life" in 2019. [3] In China, 3.9% of people suffer from the disease in 2020, and this figure has continued to increase for decades.[4] The prevalence and importance of AD are super obvious, and provided that it is still being understood, experts are urgently calling for more research in this field. In this essay, we will expound on the major findings so far regarding the symptoms, anatomical location, causes, diagnostic methods, and treatments.
A brief overview of Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurogenerative disease caused by both genetic and spontaneous factors. As the pathological changes progress, symptoms ranging from mild cognitive impairment to severe dementia could occur. Currently, there is no cure for AD, but several treatments have been developed to mitigate the symptoms and slow down the disease progression. Meanwhile, various testing methods have been developed to detect this disease. This essay aims to provide an overview of AD in terms of the anatomical location of pathological changes in the brain, the potential symptoms, detection methods, and available treatments. We will also present our evaluation of the detection and treatment methods.
Review of Parkinson’s disease: Causes, diagnoses, and treatments
Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder which is mainly associated with symptoms like tremor, rigidity, slowing movement and other complications including mental disabilities and cognitive problems.[1] The symptoms progress slowly. Initially, patients suffer from tremor on one side of the arms. As the disorder progresses, patients may find difficulties when talking or moving. However, no cure is currently available for Parkinson's disease. Treatments and medications are aimed to control the symptoms or slow down the progression.

Analytical Chemistry

Discussion about the techniques involved in the analysis of the drug targeting lung cancer
Lung cancer is the second most common cancerous disease among the world population, which is caused by unregulated cell division in the lungs. (wcrf.org, 2022) In 2022, around 236740 new cases of lung cancer were diagnosed in the United States. To be more specific, damaged cells divide uncontrollably and lead to the formation of tumors. Lung cancer usually start from the bronchi and bronchioles or alveoli. (Larsen & Minna, 2011)
The Report of The Advanced Analytical Technologies For The New Drug
Lung cancer is a malignant tumor originating from the bronchial mucosa or glands of the lung. Smoking is one of the most common causes of lung cancer, and 80% - 90% of smokers will suffer from such malignant tumors [1]. It remains a major worldwide health problem, accounting for more than a sixth of cancer deaths [2]. The high morbidity and mortality rates make it one of the most dangerous tumors diagnosed. Therefore, the treatment for lung cancer is highly researched.
An Investigation Into The Techniques In Drug Analysis
When developing a new drug, it is critical to possess a comprehensive understanding of the drug itself, including its composition, properties, and effects, to determine if it can be suitable for human use. This essay will go on to explore the most appropriate techniques to use when understanding a drug designed to target lung cancer, and their corresponding benefits.


Why some social media users might become aggressive, sending nasty tweets, sharing harassing posts, or targeting people with hate
Posting pictures, videos, or words which are aggressive, unfriendly, insulting or even inflammatory are generally termed as aggression on social media. We will be discussing lack of accountability, group polarization and incentive mechanism in relation to this, while elaborate on social media is not full of aggressions.
Which model best generalize how people start using social media, applying evidence from age groups?
Social media, a newly developed technology that allows users to create and share comments, pictures, or videos, or to participate in the social network, has become a significant part of people's lives (Dollarhide, 2021). According to statistics from Digital 2022: China: as of 2022, out of 1.02 billion mobile phone users in mainland China, 983 million were social media users, occupying 68% of the total population (Kemp, 2022).
Is it possible to become addicted to social media and why?
Addiction refers to a chronic brain disorder with biological, psychological, social and environmental factors influencing its development and maintenance (American psychological association). The criteria for addiction are various. However, withdrawal and tolerance suggested clinical addiction overall. Withdrawal is the syndrome caused by the cessation of a substance. The common syndrome includes nausea, insomnia and anxiety. Tolerance refers to the significant reducing effect of the substance after continuous substance use. Patients need to increase the dose to achieve the same desired effect (American psychological association). Social media is a virtual community where people can post their daily lives, thoughts, and comments (Dollarhide, 2021).


Is fiat money dead? An economic report investigating the rise and rise of digital money in 2022
Globalization and digitalization has become the main theme of the current global development, people demand for improvements to make things more rapid, more convenient, more user friendly, and more equal. As fiat money was designed thousands of years ago, it's hard for this system to satisfied the current need of development. Technological developments are pushing the financial system to evolve itself and new types of currencies seem to have the possibilities of replacing the money system that haven't change for thousands of years.




张老师 13269709296




周老师 13127836096




王老师 15618633087




欧老师 18576756975




李老师 18502808484




潘老师 13086629260
